1) One to two days after he submits his “DRA2+ App Admin Request” online form, DA receives Account Activation from Pearson, with link to self-register DA username and password at DRAdashboard.com DRA2+ app process for a DA to “self-register” his/her District 2) After account activation, DA receives an Account Confirmation with step by step instructions on how to set up School Codes, Assessment Periods, Upload Roster, etc…
3) Login to DRAdashboard.com with your DA credentials; tap “Manage Assessments Periods” tab; select “Create New”; populate dates, then SAVE. DRA2+ app process for a DA to “self-register” his/her District (cont.) 4) Go to “Manage Benchmarks” tab; review program’s default DRA Level settings; override via “Edit” if desired.
5) Go to “Manage Districts/Schools” tab; select “Add new record” button to add schools DRA2+ app process for a DA to “self-register” his/her District (cont.) 6) Populate School Code (of your choice) and School Name and “Insert”. Repeat to “Add new record”.
7a) Finally, go to “Upload Roster” tab; download and peruse “First Time User Quick Start” document; download and peruse “Roster Guidelines” document; download and populate “Roster Template (csv)” file 7b) Upon Roster Upload, teachers and school administrators will get an auto generated Activation shown here. Default is “YES” to send s, but you can opt to send during a future Roster Upload by selecting “NO”. 7c) Browse and “Choose File” for your completed/saved Roster File. Then “Upload Roster” to complete the setup process. Your teachers can now begin self-registration, and using the DRA iPad app ! DRA2+ app process for a DA to “self-register” his/her District (cont.)
6) After DA uploads Roster, all teachers and SAs are automatically sent a similar self-serve Account Activation , with instructions/link on how to self-register DRA2+ app process for a DA to “self-register” his/her District (cont.)