Objetivos: -I can describe what I need for a trip -I can describe my outfits based on the weather -I can understand a more detailed weather report
Clothes Shirt T-shirt Sweater Blouse Pants Shorts Dress Skirt Jacket Coat La ropa Una camisa Una camiseta Un suéter Una blusa Unos pantalones Unos pantalones cortos Un vestido Una falda Una chaqueta Un abrigo
Hat Shoes Tennis Shoes Boots Sandals Socks Belt Tie Suit Bathing Suit Un sombrero Unos zapatos Unos zapatos de tenis Unas botas Unas sandalias Unos calcetines Un cinturón Una corbata Un traje Un traje de baño
Did you notice that the clothing items used the indefinite article, rather than the definite article??? You are saying: a shirt, a dress… What are the indefinite articles? Un, Una, Unos, Unas If you wanted to say the rather than a, then you must use the definite article. What are the definite articles? El, La, Los, Las
To wear To buy To need To pay To celebrate To practice To visit Llevar Comprar Necesitar Pagar Celebrar Practicar Visitar These are all REGULAR verbs
Money Something to wear A meeting A dance club A picnic A cookout A practice (sport) A rehearsal (music/skill) A wedding Cheap Expensive El dinero Algo para llevar Un reunión Un club de baile Un picnic Una barbacoa Un entrenamiento Un ensayo Una boda Barato (a) Caro (a)
Para has many meanings: for and In order to will be used in this unit. For example: I need sneakers for practice Yo necesito unos zapatos de tenis para el entrenamiento Remember colors? They will be used to describe clothes. For example: She wears a white dress to the wedding Ella lleva un vestido blanco a la boda Dont forget that adjectives go after the noun (except for quantity adjectives)
I wear a white t-shirt I need a suit for the wedding I am going to buy a black dress for the rehearsal I wear shorts and tennis shoes to the soccer practice I need something to wear to the party