>> Debriefing activity A.4
>> Overall assessment In our point of view the ICBS has already done a good job compiling the financial accounts with the data that are available We have discussed several topics and overall we agree with the decisions that ICBS have taken. We have identified some issues, where ICBS could look into alternative sources and methods. 2
>> A few of the methological issues Employee stock options Split between head offices and holding companies More detailed calculations of shares in non- financial corporations Seperating branches abroad Monthly revaluations on loans, deposits and securities Estimation of delayed data by using development of linked instruments or indices. 3
>> Plan for acquisition of missing data Survey on other financial intermediaries Meeting with the Central Bank ICBS should make a short resume from our meeting ICBS should make a paper where they prioritize what they would like from the Central Bank and explain the importance of reliable financial accounts and FISIM. Send to MS experts from Denmark at august 15 th the latest. Go through the report at the study visit. The report should be send to the Bank of Israel. ICBS will arrange a meeting in the fall. To discuss the wishes and needs from ICBS. At the next mission in january we will look at the status and decide the way forward 4