Counselling Centres for Occupational Selection - material support provided by MoLSA Unit of Further Proffesional Training and Occupational Selection Alžběta Černá
COUNSELLING PUBLICATIONS Atlas školství – Atlas of Education Specialized publication providing complete list of intermediate schools in the Czech Republic for primary school-leavers Contains contacts, list of learning subjects, schedule, statistics, information about entrance exam, accommodation and boarding Data are supplied by Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Vysokoškolák – „University Student“ 1.Information system on CD´s 2.Internet aplication Database of Univerzities in the Czech Republic – state and private with the query function Database of Univerzities in Germany, Denmark, Austria, Finland, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States
Poradce k volbě povolání - „Occupational Selection Adviser“ Publication for educational advisers and secondary school teachers Information about questions of occupational selection on the counselling and educational field Helps and advice with what institutions to be in contact, how to implement the subject „Occupational Selection Education“ in elementary schools, what skills and knowledge educator should have methods and information resources to ease the work
IPS Aktuál – „Bulletin for Counselling Centres Issued twice a year Information about actual situation of labour market, development of specific professions demand, resources and information about occupational selection other important news from labour market
Informační letáky pro IPS 2008 „Information leaflets for Counselling Centres“ 1.Labour Office - IPS – Occupational Selection 2.CV 3.Job Interview – How to prepare for face-to-face interview with the employer 4.What do you want to do 5.ISTP - Integrated System of Typal Position 6.Také advanteg of Integrated Portal of MoLSA 7.How to seek a position 8.Cart of IPS with important web sites … etc
Vocational Diagnostic COMDI Subsidiary instrument of Active Employment Policy Helps to define optimal educational and proffesional field Based on psychological, pedagogical and somatic examination through the computer programme COMDI Different modules depending on education attainment