TED Economy
Economic Model What economic model does your country follow? Classical / Keynesian / Neoliberal / Other
Sweden in wealth league Prosperity League measuring the OECD countries' purchasing power adjusted GDP per capita is a rough measure of a country's standard of living. Sweden has fallen from a 4th place since Sweden is currently on a 12th place in the prosperity league..
United States Prosperity League Rank The U.S. is ranked 9th overall 1st in Entrepreneurship- strong Intellectual Property laws 2nd in Democracy, Switzerland is ranked 1st
Fiscal Pressure in Sweden and internationally Denmark and Sweden have the highest tax burden in OECD countries. In 2008, paid taxes equivalent to 47.1 percent of GDP in Sweden. This was over 7 percentage points more than the average EU-15 and 11 percentage points more than the OECD average.
United States Tax Burden The U.S. tax burden as a percentage of GDP is relatively low.
Current Economic Status Since the global economic crisis, has your country entered into recovery, recession or depression?
Teacher Salaries Swedish teachers in grades 1-6 have lower starting salaries than in many other OECD countries and a lower wage. There are obvious difficulties in comparing teachers' salaries in different countries. The salary can be affected by work on specific geographic locations, skills, labor management responsibility and administrative chores or some type of performance compensation for job well done.
The U.S. national average wage for 2008 was $41, source:
Education Expenses Sweden invests relatively heavily in training compared to other countries. As a percentage of GDP was 6.3 percent for education in 2006, is among the highest in the OECD. Average for OECD countries is 5.7 percent.
Educational expenditure per student There are large international differences in the various countries are investing in education and how much is the cost per pupil. Sweden belongs to, with, for example, Iceland, Norway and Denmark, countries with relatively high costs per student in grades 1-6.
Results of PISA In 2006 Sweden got together on a 18th place in the OECD's knowledge test for the 15-year-olds called PISA, Program for International Student Assessment. Sweden's position was near the average for OECD countries. What drew up Sweden's position was reading, where Sweden finished in 10th place while it performed less well in mathematics and science.
Discussion How has the crisis affected you? Will the crisis have any long-terms effects on education? Will the crisis have any long-terms effects on the economy and how we do business? How do we stop this from happening again?