8 Warning Signs Your Teen May Be In Danger
A teen eating disorder can be more dangerous than you’d imagine. Here are 8 warning signs that your child may have a teen eating disorder:
1.Increase in consumption of laxatives, diuretics, or diet pills. The use of prescription stimulant medications (like Adder all) and/or illicit stimulant drugs (like cocaine) to suppress appetite can be a sign of a teen eating disorder. 2.Compulsive exercising, often several hours per day. 3.Habitual trips to the bathroom immediately after eating is a sign of a teen eating disorder such as bulimia.
1.Constant adherence to increasingly strict diets, regardless of weight. 2.Secretly bingeing on large amounts of food or hoarding large amounts of food is a sign of a teen eating disorder. 3.Withdrawal from friends and family, particularly following questions about his/her teen eating disorder or visible physical/medical side effects
1.Avoidance of meals or situations where food may be present. 2.Preoccupation with weight, body size and shape, or specific aspects of one’s appearance 3.If your child expresses any of these teen eating disorder signs, make sure they get the help they need. Polaris Teen is skilled at helping teen eating disorder patients to recover.Polaris Teen
Polaris Teen Center, Llc 4670 Encino Ave Encino, CA PH: