Vocabulary Chapter 5 3 Column Notes Assignment # 10
WordDefinitionExample 1.Myth1. Traditional story describing gods, heroes, or explaining natural events
WordDefinitionExample 2. Mt. Olympus2. Highest mountain in Greece; home of the Gods
WordDefinitionExample 3. Oracle3. Sacred shine where a priest or priestess spoke for a god or goddess.
WordDefinitionExample 4. Epic4. Long poem that tells about legendary or heroic deeds.
WordDefinitionExample 5. Homer5. Greek author who wrote epics such as Iliad and The Odyssey
WordDefinitionExample 6. FableShort tale that teaches a lesson
WordDefinitionExample 7. DramaStory told by actors who pretend to be characters in a story
WordDefinitionExample 8. Tragedy8.Form of drama in which a person struggles to overcome difficulties but meets an unhappy ending
WordDefinitionExample 9.Herodotus “Father of History” 9. Wrote history of the Persian wars; first historian who tried to separate fact from fiction
WordDefinitionExample 10. Macedonia10. Geographical region north of Greece
WordDefinitionExample 11. LegacyWhat a person leaves behind when he or she dies
WordDefinitionExample 12. Hellenistic Era Period when the Greek language and Greek ideas spread to the non Greek peoples of SW Asia
WordDefinitionExample 13. EPICUREANISM Philosophy founded by Epicurus in Hellenistic Athens; taught that happiness through the pursuit of pleasure was the goal in life.
WordDefinitionExample 14. Stoicism Philosophy taught by Zeno in Hellenistic Athens; taught that happiness came not from following emotions, but from following reasons and doing one’s duty.
WordDefinitionExample 15. Astronomer Person who studies stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies
WordDefinitionExample 16. Plane Geometry Branch of mathematics that shows how points, lines, angles, and surfaces relate to one another.