English 3 MS. ROULE SEPTEMBER 10, 2015
HUMAN KNOT ACTIVITY – 15 minutes Directions: 1.In your group of 8-10, stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder 2.Right hands up, grab the hand of someone across the circle 3.Left hands up, grab the hand of another person in circle (cannot be right next to you) 4.Now, untangle the knot without letting go of any hands
HUMAN KNOT ACTIVITY – Debrief Discuss: 1.How did it feel to be successful/unsuccessful? 2.What strategy did your team end using to complete the task? 3.Who were the leaders in this activity? 4.Did your team reach consensus on a plan of action? 5.How did you communicate?
Persons boy, Mr. Daniels, policewoman Places mall, Mount Everest, church Things whale, moon, scissors Ideas freedom, love, hope, impatience (abstract noun) Nouns
A word that takes the place of a noun Singular pronouns: I, me, you, he him, she, her, it Plural pronouns: we, us, you, they, them, Pronouns can be possessive, (show ownership) Singular possessive pronouns: my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its Pronouns
Plural possessive pronouns: our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs Pronouns
An ACTION verb tells what someone or something does. The action can be either physical or mental. Physical action: run, scream, jump, Mental action: like, think, dream Verbs: Action Verbs
A linking verb does not show action. It is a STATE OF BEING. Examples of linking verbs: is, are, was, were, am, be, has, had. Other less obvious examples of linking verbs: seem, remain, appear, become. Linking verbs
An adjective modifies (alters) a noun or pronoun by limiting its meaning. They answer the questions Which?, What kind?, How many? An adjective describes numerous cars rambunctious puppy outrageous party Adjectives
An adverb is a word that changes (limits) the meaning of another word in the sentence. Adverbs usually modify verbs, but they can sometimes modify adjectives and adverbs. She quickly ran to get the ball. (modifies verb) She is an extremely careful girl (modifies adj.) Melanie very slowly walked. (modifies adverb) Adverbs
Prepositions show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence. The mother of the kittens lives here. I will see you after lunch. She sang her song for them. Prepositions
Conjunctions join words in the sentence together to make the sentence logical. butfor orand yet nor so Conjunction (boysfan)
Interjections are words that express emotion or exclamation. Ah, that’s good. Ouch! That hurts. Wow! This is super! Good Grief! Is that true? Interjections
BUILDING BLOCKS OF GRAMMAR: PARTS OF SPEECH Directions: On the provided handout, make a list according to the criteria I give you…(Don’t turn the sheet over until I tell you!)
Madlibs – Part one Now, take your word list and plug it into the handout provided. Be ready to share out to the class…
Madlibs – Part two Now, grab a partner and write your own madlib…(start by writing a short story/anecdote, then pull your list from it) Make a list of at least 15 words, label them using parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc…)
WHAT’S COMING UP… THIS WEEK: Teambuilding Icebreakers, Extended Writing Sample NEXT TWO WEEKS: Grammar Boot Camp, MEL-Con