Research Celestial Objects 1. What is necessary for life to exist on Earth?
Research Celestial Objects 1. What is necessary for life to exist on Earth? Water Livable Atmosphere Proximity to a Central Star
Central Star, Meteoroids, Satellites (moons), Planets, Dwarf Planets. Asteroids, Gravitational Pull, and Comets. What do all of these items have in common?
They are all part of a solar system.
Do you think any of those objects have life on them?
You are going to find out. You and your group will be given 2 objects to research and present to the class. Please fill this out in your journal so you can begin your research.
Solar System object: ___________ What is the atmosphere composed of? Are there any signs of water? What is the object’s distance from the Sun? What does it look like? (Draw or describe it)
Celestial Bodies 1.Mercury 2.Jupiter’s moon: Europa 3.Mars 4.Dwarf Planet: Pluto 5.Asteroid 6.Comet Venus Meteoroid Saturn Uranus Neptune Earth’s Moon