St. Michael’s Catholic School WORK EXPERIENCE YOUR WORLD OF WORK 20 th June to 1 st July 2016
What do you gain from work experience? Employability skills Confidence and self awareness Develop personal attributes Learn to make decisions Maybe a part time job
What is expected of you? Being interested Remember it is your future Ask appropriate questions Meeting up with your friends in town – DO NOT SOCIALISE AND CONGREGATE IN SHOPS AND BUSINESSES!!!!!
Your first day at the work placement Dress as stated in your letter (no need to spend loads of money on clothing) Arrive on time Be polite, smile, make eye-contact Ask appropriate questions Keep language formal (not: I’m chillin’) Phone switched off during working hours
Remember: Dealing with difficulties A positive approach is very important If you do not understand something, ask your supervisor / line manager Show motivation and interest If you have any worries or feel uncomfortable about a situation – contact the school! The school has the duty of care and will communicate with your employer
Keeping the Employer informed It is your duty to let the employer know first thing and the school (absence line): If you are going to be late – apologise and give a reason If you are sick and unable to attend Your employer is responsible for your whereabouts and safety and needs to know where you are Avoid making routine doctor/dentist appointments
School monitoring School will keep in touch with your employer and you by telephone and possible visits This will give us feedback how you have settled in and are progressing Opportunity to discuss any queries etc.
Your Work Experience Journal You will receive a work experience journal and a skills profile sheet Remember to fill in your journal daily as you go along – any questions ask your form tutor or Mrs. Grosch Skills profile needs to be filled in together with supervisor / line manager near the end of your placement Return journal and skills profile to Mrs. Grosch to be assessed
At the end of your placement Thank the employer for having you It would be courteous to put the thank you in writing Employers gave you this fantastic opportunity to experience the World of Work There will be a debriefing session when you get back to school
AWARDS!!! We will be rewarding you for your Achievements With Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards Gold Awards will be presented at the Awards Evening
Students’ Criteria for Awards Journal completed Portfolio of work compiled – can be photographs, a product you have made, information leaflet about the business etc. REMEMBER: YOU MUST ASK FOR PERMISSION TO TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS OR INFORMATION FROM THE BUSINESS Your evaluation of your work placement and your statement of how you will use the experience gained
Enjoy your placement!