Casey Cheng Stanton Wang Holly Tsai
Introduction There is nearly 50% of Taiwanese students work part time. We want to explain the phenomenon in Taiwan. We list the main reasons of this situation.
Money Tuition Living Necessities Extra money for entertainment or other use Luxury Motivation of Work
Earning Working Experience Relating to profession Learning attitude at work Dealing with consumers Motivation of Work
What Kind Of Jobs Can Students Do? Service Seller, Service Staff, etc. Manufacturing Factory Staff Catering Tea shops, Restaurants, Bakeries, etc. Education Tutor, Cram school teacher, assistant, etc.
The Percentage Of Jobs That Students Do
School Jobs For Students Why do school provides the part time jobs for students? What’s the difference? How do Taiwanese students feel about the jobs?
Self Experience Why do we have a part time job? What kinds of part time job have we done so far? What have we learned?
Conclusion Why do Taiwanese students have a part time job? (The main reason) Why can students only do some simple jobs?
Q&A Why do you want to work part time? Do you have any work experience? Would you please share it? Do the part time job you choose relate to your future job? Is your employer willing to train you to be a full time employee? What is different between par time job and full time job?