What is a biome? A group of ecosystems with similar climate and organisms. Temperature and rainfall determine the plants that will grow. The plants that grow determine the animals that will live in the biome.
Major Terrestrial Biomes of the World Desert Tundra Deciduous Forest Taiga Rain Forest Grasslands
Tundra Extremely cold and dry Temp. -15° C – 5° C; 10” rain/yr Soil frozen most of year – permafrost Plants – mosses, ferns, few dwarf trees Animals – insects, insect-eating birds, caribou, foxes, wolves
Taiga Largest of terrestrial biomes. Also referred to as the boreal forest or coniferous forest. Cold winters; precipitation – snow: 30” per year Nutrient poor soil, acidic Plants – cone-bearing trees –fir, hemlock Animals – red squirrels, insects, birds, lynx, otters, great horned owl
Deciduous Forest Warm summers and cold winters Temps. -5° C – 20° C 60” rain per year Rich soil Trees lose leaves in winter (an adaptation due to short days and cold temps)– birch, maple, oaks. Animals – deer, fox, squirrels
Deciduous Forest
Grasslands Two types: temperate grasslands and tropical grasslands (savannah). Savannah located near equator and receives enough rain to support some small trees. Temperate Temps. -10° C – 23° C Savannah Temps. 10° C - 22° C Rainfall: 60” per year Plants – dominated by grasses Animals –elephants, bison, giraffe, zebras, lions.
Grassland Temperate GrasslandSavannah
Grassland Food Webs PrairieSavannah
Rain Forests Two types – temperate & tropical Temperate – plenty of rain; moderate temps. Plants – redwoods, cedars, firs Tropical – warm and humid year round; lots of rain! Tropical Temps: 25° C – 28° C 90” of rain per year High biodiversity – probably have more species of plants and animals than all other biomes combined. pecies/frogs/index.html#frogcalls
Rain Forests TemperateTropical ienspeciesinhawaii/spec ies/frogs/index.html#fr ogcalls
Desert Warm days and cold nights 10”of rain per year Temps.: 12° C – 33° C Plants – saguaro cactus (leaves modified to lose less water – spines, leathery) Animals – adapted to little water and high temps – thick skin, produce little to no urine, active at night. Ex. Gila monsters.
Marine Biomes Consists of oceans, coral reefs, and estuaries The ocean is the largest of all ecosystems. The ocean contains a diverse array of plants and animals at various depth zones. Coral reefs consist mainly of coral. Estuaries are areas where fresh and salt water environments converge. Mangroves, oysters, crabs and marsh grasses are examples of species in this environment.
Ocean Zones Intertidal – area covered or exposed due to high and low tides. Neritic – over the continental shelf, shallow, receives much sun Oceanic – rest of ocean Benthic – along the bottom Pelagic – floating in water Photic – gets sunlight Aphotic – does not receive sun, colder
Freshwater Biome Includes ponds, and lakes; streams and rivers, and wetlands. Ponds and lakes have well lit zones and a variety of fish dominate this zone. Streams and rivers move in one direction. Wetlands are areas of standing water that support aquatic plants.
List the major biomes of the world.
List 2 unique characteristics of each biome.
Which biome(s) receive(s) the least amount of rainfall?
What distinguishes one biome from another?
How does climate influence what organisms live in a biome?