Persuasive Speeches EQ: How do I write and present an effective persuasive speech to an audience?
Speech Requirements Time: 3-5 minutes- must be right at or over 3 minutes and must not go past 5 minutes. –Under three or over five (under 60 seconds)- - 5 points –Under three or over five (over one minute) points –Under three or over five (over three minutes)- -15 points –PLEASE PRACTICE YOUR SPEECH AT HOME
Professional Dress Boys: slacks, nice shirt, tie, nice shoes Girls: nice blouse and skirt, nice blouse and pants, pant suit, or nice school appropriate business dress, nice shoes 10 points will be deducted if you are not DRESSED FOR SUCCESS!
Visual Aid Options: –Short power point presentation that flows with your own presentation, should have someone prepared to click for you or have it timed to follow your speech –Poster that can sit on the board while you are presenting (Should be big enough for everyone in audience to see –Pictures should be used –May use graphs, charts, etc. if they add to the persuasion of your speech –SHOULD NOT HAVE A LOT OF TEXT
PACING, VOLUME, STRESS Pacing- Students have prepared a well timed speech, they do not rush through their points, they frequently pause for emphasis and logically flow from one idea to the other Volume- the student can be heard by the entire audience, the volume of the speaker is appropriate for the environment STRESS- the student is able to use voice inflection to stress important points THE STUDENT MAINTAINS SERIOUSNESS AT ALL TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eye Contact & Posture Keep eye contact with your audience. Avoid looking up, down or turning away from audience. Stand up straight!! Avoid leaning Make appropriate hand gestures Don’t sway or have other distracting body movements.
Reference to Research/ Expert Opinion Students must refer to research when arguing their main points. Students should use the following method Explain main point Then say, “In fact, according to….” “Also, stated by…..” This should logically flow with the speech, should not feel out of place or awkward.
Note Cards Students should use the number of note cards they feel necessary to form prompts for their speech. Note cards should be arranged in logical order and remind students of their talking points. EX: Introduction- “Attention Grabber” Your next card would be…..?
Speech Outlines Speech Outlines should be organized with information contained in the students speech. Outlines should be as detailed as the student requires Refer to example speech outline for guidance Outline SHOULD NOT be identical to research paper outline- THIS IS DIFFERENT
Rhetorical Strategies (Use at least 5) Logos- Appeals to the head using logic, numbers, explanations, and facts. Through logos a writer aims at a person’s intellect. Ethos- Appeals to conscience, ethics, morals, standards, values, principles Pathos- Appeals to the heart, emotions, sympathy, passions, sentimentality Kairos- a call to action, asking audience to become involved in the solution
Other Rhetorical Strategies Questioning- The use of questions to force the audience to relate to your subject. Ex: Don’t you want a better America? Aren’t you concerned about the welfare of future generations? Repetition: Use of the same phrase, example, or idea multiple times to show importance Ex: “I believe…. I believe….. I believe….”
Definitions/ Statistics Use of definitions and statistics to help educate your audience. Could also fall under the category of logos. Ex: Global warming is … Ex: 25 million Americans currently are obese.
Cause/ Effect Use of phrase “If…..then….” Develops the idea that it is important for the auidence to ACT NOW.
IMAGERY Language that evokes one or all of the five senses.
Metaphor and Symbolism Non-literal, imaginative substitutions in which, for instance, a tree becomes a metaphor for family, or springtime symbolizes rebirth. Make sure you use this correctly.
Style, Tone, and Voice Although this is important to your speech as a whole, it can also be used as a rhetorical strategy. Ask yourself the questions: –What attitude should I take towards my subject? –Would humor work here? Should it be left out? –How should my voice sound? –Where should I inflect on certain words?