The MICE questionnaire for Comenius Home and Abroad in Europe : Year one All four partner schools completed this task.


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Presentation transcript:

The MICE questionnaire for Comenius Home and Abroad in Europe : Year one All four partner schools completed this task

Questionnaire A For all pupils

Do you know the full name of the current Comenius project? 70% for Germany 75% for Portugal 100%for Poland and Cyprus

Can you list the four countries involved in the project? Portugal 75% Cyprus 85% Poland 100% Germany 90%

Have you been involved at any stage in the project ? How?( Pupils) Cyprus:100% Yes : Comenius week in Cyprus as hosts and in Portugal as guests,and preparation of the film Portugal: 24% yes: Comenius week in Porto and preparation of the film Poland; Yes: Comenius weeks in Cyprus and Portugal as guests, and preparation of the film Germany: yes: Comenius weeks in Cyprus and Portugal as guests, and preparation of the film

What are the advantages for you as a result of your involvement in this project? Cyprus: making new friends and becoming aware of new cultures and mine, and foreign languages. Enhancing my European Identity Improving my ICT skills, became creative and learned to work with deadlines Portugal: Making new friends, meeting new cultures, and learning new languages Poland: Making new friends Meeting new cultures, and learning new languages improving ICT skills Germany: For the pupils who travelled: Making new friends, Becoming aware of other cultures, Improving English Language skills, ICT skills, research skills.

Did you have any personal contact with someone from the partner country? Cyprus:90% yes Portugal: 34% yes Poland: 30% yes Germany: 24% yes

What subjects were involved in the project? Cyprus: Art, Music, English, Dance, ICT Portugal: 2d3d animation, Art, Science, English, Sound and Multimedia, Portuguese Poland: English, Geography, ICT, Music Germany: ICT, English

Has the participation in the project helped you to increase your foreign language skills? Cyprus: 85% yes Portugal: 38% yes Poland: yes Germany: yes

Did you do extra work outside school for Comenius? Specify Cyprus: 100% Yes, most work was extra curricular this year Portugal: 6% Yes Poland: Yes, the largest part of it Germany: No, all activities were Included in the curriculum

Were you involved in the decision taking of the project? Cyprus: The coordinator teacher was while consulting other teachers. Pupils were sometimes too Portugal: 86% of the pupils yes. Poland: 100% of the pupils yes Germany: None of the pupils. The coordinator only

Has your participation to the project helped you to increase your ICT or other technological skills? Cyprus 15% yes,85% no Portugal: 21% yes, 70% no Poland: yes 100% Germany: yes

How do you communicate with foreign LLP Comenius partners? Cyprus: , sms, phone calls Portugal: Through Internet, in English and sometimes Portuguese, or even sign language Poland: , sms Germany:

Has your participation to the project helped to increase your knowledge of a partner’s country or culture? Cyprus: yes, I now understand that we all belong to one bigger family Portugal: 19% yes, 74% no Poland: Yes at all occasions of communication Germany: ?

Have you made any new friendships, which extended beyond the project? Cyprus: yes 19 % Portugal: 21% yes, 71% no Poland: no answer Germany: No answer

Has participation in this project helped to increase your motivation, self-confidence or social skills Cyprus : 50% yes Portugal: 8% yes,69% no Poland : ? Germany: ?

Has this project enhanced your feeling of belonging to a European community? Cyprus: Yes 100% Portugal: 23% yes, 60% no Poland : ? Germany: ?

Questionnaire B For the Coordinator of each partner school

Have there been any staff meetings for the project to take place? Cyprus: Yes Portugal: ? Poland: Yes Germany: ?

Was the SMT of the school involved? Cyprus: yes Portugal: Yes Poland: no Germany: ?

Has there been an appointment of a European Projects Coordinator? Cyprus: The European Projects Coordinator pre-existed Portugal: ? Poland: Yes Germany: ?

Is the Comenius Project a stand alone project or part of an overall strategy towards Internationalization? Cyprus: It is part of an overall strategy towards Internationalization Portugal: ?l Poland: It is a stand alone project Germany: ?

Why is this school involved in Internationalisation? What are the objectives? Cyprus: In order to tighten cooperation with other schools in the world and set common goals and standards of work. Portugal; ? Poland: I hope this project is the beginning of internationalisation at school, we would like to cooperate with other European schools in different projects to build our European identity and make it closer, exchange students and teachers Germany: ?

To what extend do we have links with the local community ?Media, Municipality etc? Cyprus: We have benefited from the Media and the Municipality, as well as from private catering or sponsors apart from the school’s parents who are willing to help and support the project, the EU Representation. Portugal: ? Poland: media, municipality, meetings with the mayor, very close cooperation with local authorities, also support Germany: ?

Is there any participation of community representatives in the project? Cyprus: Not yet Portugal: ? Poland: Not Yet Germany: ?

How does the entity of the school get a share in the activities of the project? Cyprus: the 86 pupils from the 4 th 5 th and 6 th years participate in various teams dealing with a different task each, while supervised by one of the eleven teachers in each team. Portugal: ? Poland: there are 3 classes at school and each one of them is responsible for a different stage Germany: ?

Does the project promote Active European Citizenship within the curriculum? Cyprus: As from next year maybe. Outside the curriculum though yes. Portugal; ? Poland:no :No, outside curriculum Germany: ?

Does the project stimulate and facilitate extra curricular activities, possibly with external Agencies? Cyprus: No Portugal: ? Poland: No Germany: ?

Questionnaire C Evaluation questionnaire for the coordinator and the teachers involved.

Was there Interdisciplinary consultation and cross curricular cooperation between the teachers? Cyprus: Yes, both in the Comenius week in November and during the extended project work in the school year Portugal: ? Poland: Yes Germany: ?

What evidence was there of the project work enhancing normal teaching and learning? Cyprus: The use in class of new skills and aspects acquired in ICT during the Comenius workshop on the website or other tasks of the project. Portugal: ? Poland: info at school, school media, local media( ? ) Germany?

Have there been any difficulties in the teacher management of the project? If yes, how are these difficulties dealt with? Cyprus: Teachers were not often available to work with extracurricular activities as they had to leave school immediately after their lessons ended. Quite often the coordinator had to call the students for a meeting and attend to it so that the project meets the dates agreed with the partners. Portugal: Poland: Not all teachers were involved as promised at the beginning Germany:

Are you prepared to take more or other responsibilities for the project? Cyprus: -Yes, provided I am interested in the topic.( some teachers) -No( most teachers) Portugal: ? Poland: Yes I am Prepared( one teacher) Germany: ?

Can you list five positive and if any negative results of European Cooperation in the Thematic Area of your project ? Cyprus: Positive:Making friends from other countries, improving communication skills, ICT skills, awareness in the making of a film, Cooperation between partner schools,Greater understanding of the other Greater understanding of the importance to work in a team to achieve a common goal. Greater understanding of the active European citizenship. Negative: insufficient cooperation with school staff Portugal: Poland: Positive: making friends, getting to know each other’s culture, improving English, ICT skills, building up the European modern society Germany:Positive: Improvement of social skills, use of ICT, English language skills. Negative:-Planning the mobilities was difficult due to exam dates and holidays in the participating countries -Language problems of misunderstanding (e.g. definition of storyboard) -Slight problems with MOODLE

Have any other teachers expressed interest in taking extra courses for their preparation to the project? Cyprus: No, but many of those who got involved were very enthusiastic. Portugal: ? Poland: No Germany: ?

How do the teachers involved display their motivation. Cyprus: By encouraging pupils and keeping to deadlines Portugal: ? Poland: They are in a difficult position as their English is not sufficient Germany: ?

To which extend do the teachers involved undertake extra work and take new initiative? Cyprus: By working outside their normal working hours, and by having to take decisions if the system does not enable them to communicate adequately with colleagues. Portugal: ? Poland: No answer Germany: ?

Has the project enhanced pupils awareness in foreign languages? How? Cyprus: Yes, in English, German and Portuguese for now. Portugal: ? Poland:. Definitely, students are more interested in learning English, it was helpful during exams and gave positive results Germany: ?

Have there been any exchanges of pedagogical materials between the partners? Cyprus: The moodle platform is some sort of a pedagogical tool Portugal; ? Poland: No Germany: No

Questionnaire D Evidence of good partnership: Questions for coordinator and teachers involved

Are all partners equally involved in the decision making procedures of an established common strategy of the project? Cyprus: Yes Portugal: Yes Poland: yes Germany : Yes

Are all the coordinators in the different schools authorized to take decisions? Cyprus: Yes, but within restricting situations Portugal: ? Poland : Yes Germany: Yes

There is a clear schedule for communication between partners and for exchange of material if necessary. Cyprus: Yes there is Portugal: ? Poland: Yes there is Germany: ?

What was successful and what would you like to change in the meetings procedures? Cyprus: Teachers do not need to be more than one for each country. The money should be given to more pupil travelling instead. Portugal: ? Poland : Meetings are successful in all aspects. No suggestions for changes. Germany: Only coordinators should travel as others may not be well informed.

Has there been any progress in the project between the teachers meetings? Cyprus: Yes, quite obviously. After the first meeting the school prepared for the filming, and after the second one the filming was done according to the preset conditions Portugal: ? Poland: Yes, there is Germany: ?

Has there been a feedback procedure after each partner meeting and is there a portfolio in each school with all evidences of procedures and progress made? Cyprus: Yes, the coordinator of the project has sent a minute- power point on each meeting. Portugal: ? Poland: Yes there has been Germany: ?

Did we all know the person of communication in all partner schools? Cyprus: Yes Poland : yes

Did the common work plan clearly list the objectives of the project? Cyprus: yes Poland:”yes

Were there any extra activities that were not in the work plan? Cyprus: Yes, storyboarding and scenario writing Portugal: / Poland : No, everything is planned Germany: No extra activities

Is each partner equally represented in the product? Cyprus: Yes Portugal:? Poland: Yes Germany: Yes