Prichindel Kindergarten, Pucioasa,ROMANIA Director: Ionescu Aurelia Teacher: Dinu Florentina-Mihaela Georgescu Elena-Iuliana
The project theme: Art for Learning, Art for Peace, Art for Nature, Art for Life
Our day started with the morning meeting: today we are saluting each other in 9 different languages.
We want to see who is missing today, because at the presence panel, we have airplanes for travelling around Europe to our Comenius friends from Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Latvia, Germany, Poland, Italy, Czech Republic.
Who had the mascot at home? He must told us its story.
Now, we are singing the song”Are you sleeping” in all the 9 languages. In Romanian, the song is called “Moş Martine”. Do you hear the bell ringing?
We are playing the game “Mix up, freeze, make pairs”. Tell your pair your favourite country in Europe.
Somebody is knocking at the door. And she has an envelope. Our Comenius friends send us a letter and a CD with photos from their activities. We must do the same!!!
Let’s make some beautiful things and send them pictures today. We must travel around Europe! The Art Center: we will imitate 9 European painters.
The Letters Center: we will play the pedagogical game “Mixed fairy tales” to remember 9 European fairy tales.
The Science Center: we will find the map of each country and we will make pairs with the flags and the traditional instruments and costumes of our friends.
The Mathematics and Table Games Center: we will play pedagogical table and electronic games received from our friends.
The Playing Roles Center: we will travel by plane to our Comenius friends.
The Constructions Center: we will build with wooden cubes our friends kindergartens.
The Sand and Water Center: we will draw in the sand the outline of each Comenius country and we will thrust the flags of each country.
Let’s travel around Europe!!!
Let’s play outdoor games!!!
Have you noticed we are dressed in the colors of our friends flags?
Thank you, dear Comenius friends!!!
This project is financed with the support of the European Commission through Lifelong Learning Programme - Multilateral Comenius Projects This presentation reflects only the author’s point of view and the European Commission is not responsible for the possible utilization of the information it contains. ART FOR LEARNING, ART FOR PEACE, ART FOR NATURE, ART FOR LIFE