Thieme Publishing Group medical and scientific information since 1886
Online products in Medicine
Ejournals collection Medical package with 34 titles Online products in Medicine
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E-Textbooks Package with currently 65 textbooks - Anatomy - Basic Sciences - Clinical Sciences - Radiology About 5-9 additional books per year Personal accounts for users to save notes, bookmarks All books can be downloaded for offline use
Clinical Collections (e-book monographs) Currently 357 e-books available Coll. V2011,43 titles Coll. IV2010,51 titles Coll. III ,111 titles Coll. II ,87 titles Coll. I ,65 titles Cover major medical fields Selection of core literature, titles of continued relevance Excellent ranking in Doody‘s list one-time purchase price
Clinical Collections (e-book monographs) Audiology Complementary Medicine Dentistry Internal Medicine Neurology Neurosurgery Obstetrics & Gynecology Ophthalmology Orthopedic Surgery Osteopathy & Manual Medicine Otolaryngology Pathology Plastic Surgery Radiology Surgery Urology
Teaching Assistants Anatomy Physiology Pharmacology -Thousands of images, radiographs, charts -For teaching, training, self evaluation -Zoom function -Labels to be switched on and off -Downloadable for use in presentations, etc.
Teaching Assistants for Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology
Online products in Medicine - E-journal package - E-Textbook package - Clinical Collections - Teaching Assistant Anatomy Physiology Pharmacology Request your free trial today!
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