Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June 2008 Electronics WG Report TOTEM Electronics’ Status
Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June 2008 RP motherboard and HOST board status RP hybrids hybrids measurements/measurement results database T1 electronics status/issues T2 electronics status/issues Installation status/issues Agenda WG
Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June 2008 Gennaro: RP hybrids in production. Production and test at TIF. Detector test of Sully works as an independent unit. Procedure with traveler sheet implemented. First pot in H8 (urgent !!), 14 hybrids ready for bars, 15 hybrids being equipped with VFATs Gueorgui: RP motherboard 3 produced, 1 fully tested in 555 now in H8. 2 more partially tested. 10 now in production. 15 later. Giovanni collects comps for all 25. Trigger mezzanine: a few more produced and mounted. More to follow. CC mezzanine: to be back june 25 th. To be mounted afterwards. Repeater card: schematics ready, in layout. Dohm: 25 pcb’s produced, 8 mounted by Giovanni. DOHs spliced for mounting. Test in 555. Question: can we speed up configuration Startup sequence for GOH: through flag0 and flag1, and reset. Done for RP motherboard, and for ROC (T1), for T2 FPGA possible. Is writing RP motherboard manual. Question Saverio: redundancy does not work for the ROC. Software crashes. Need special configuration in software. Status
Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June 2008 Gueorgui: Host board : Components VME board + optoreceiver board. Later on Slink 5 V1 produced 4 V2 produced Final prod to be sent to CERN beginning of July. Two test setups: 1 at cern, 1 in Israel. Manual written. FPGA’s: 3 different FPGAs cyclone, stratix, stratix II GX, 4 different designs VME controller, data…, merger. First version exist for all. Doc on web. Acceptance test to be organized Paul: Database for RP T2 and T1 hybrids Checked acceptance for Gas detector hybrids. Need to check latency for TTP go from 228 to 227 but with another phase for gas hybrids instead of RP hybrids. Gas hybrids procedure still needs to be optimized a bit still (Parameter values). RP : 14 hybrids passed, one (#15) with one dead channel. 3 hybrids in “rework’ hybrid 6,7and 16. Database shown Status
Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June 2008 T1, Saverio: AFEC 10 different types, ordered for 1/4 of T1, + 1 spare, to be mounted on chambers this week. Need antistatic varnish + shielding with conductive Kapton CFEC: new layout done, ordered 45 pieces (1/4 T1 + 10% spares), normally back end of this week or early next week. ROC: 2 equipped, one naked, tested, only redundancy not tested because of software abort. BC0 signal integrity, reworked. Correct data signals sent to OPTORX, but data acquired with Slink wrong. 10 ROCs at end of July, need 9 for ¼ TTP test bench with ROC VFAT strip hybrids: 4 received with bonds. Got 20, now started, 2 done, more done this week. Compact crate Cooling for maratons Intermediate patch panel -> not discussed at WG. Optical cables + connectors need for optical patch panel Need: vfat hybrids (!), trigger mezz, new totem dohm, mpo and internal fiber cable, test of assembled detector (at least cosmic), verification connections to T1 platform. T1 electronics status
Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June 2008 T2 GEM, Eraldo: Hybrids: 83 % good, 7.4 % fail power/i2c, other 8.2% fail other parameters Full detector test in H8. Monostable 1 position. 3 chambers higher noise. If monostable pulse length increases, minimum threshold decreases ! Very nice behavior at 4 clks stretch length. Combination between strips and pads creates ‘jump’ in the minimum threshold. Shield improved noise considerably: pads less than 5, strips 8 GEM detectors ok for 20 planes. VFATs 130 pads and 40 strips mounted and tested on Triple GEM Horseshoe: 11 ready and tested + 1 adjusted 11 th card (arrived today, will be tested this week) Final corrected card expected for July 11th CCUM carrier late, need to look at replacement if Mid July Need to do full detector installation still + local cabling. Pulled long distance cables into T2 rack last week. HF- will be moved into the garage this week. Lots of work in the garage in the next coming weeks. T2 electronics/detector status
Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June 2008 RP: Need dohm installation in the tunnel. Finalization of the short cables. LV power + circuit breakers + then LV system test in situ Final short cables, including slow control Optical link between patch panel and RP MB HV patch panel in the counting room Counting room: LV Rack: Power to be connected, ethernet almost connected. Circuit breakers for RP Need heat exchangers, Mounting of minimum set = S2E11, S2B LV + motor control DCS Rack: design with ELMBs to be finalized and connections made HV Rack: Crate to be installed + RP HV patch panel + connectorizing. Trigger + DAQ rack: connectorizing TTC signaling Beam interlock DSS defined, still need cabling. Need to cable up PC to VME links, etc… Get workspace organized. Installation Status
Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June 2008 Counting room racks LV DAQ HV DCS TRIGGER + DAQ
Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June 2008 Need cabling between motor racks and S1E8 Need electronics box to treat the signals (negotiated simplified scheme with the motor control people) + patch panels Get tests done Beam Interlock
Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June 2008 Closing mid July ( ~ 20 th ) Have one month to install whatever needed for this year. Tried to do tour of what still needs to be done now, and what can wait until later. Still a lot of work left. Need technician help also for the counting room Need also: trigger DAQ Current schedule
Walter Snoeys – CERN – PH – ESE – ME –TOTEM June TOTFED Interfaces Gigabit Optical INPUT 640Mb/s/fiber x 12 = 7.68Gb/s VME64x OUTPUT 40MB/s BLT Data Bandwidth – by definition S-Link64 OUTPUT 480MB/s USB2.0 OUTPUT 480Mb/s – high 12Mb/s – full 320Mb/s – effective Real Example: CAEN Contr. + Tracker FED 6.6MB/s BLT read TOTFED has: INPUT - 3 x OptoRX -> 3 x 7.68Gb/s OUTPUTS- 4 x S_Link64 -> 4 x 480MB/s - 4 x USB2.0 -> 4 x 320Mb/s - 1 x VME64x -> 40MB/s TOTEM Experiment Trigger Rate - 1 kHz Event Size - 40 kBytes S_Link64 OUTPUT 480MB/s At 1KHz -> 1ms read 4kB every 1ms = 4MB/s/OptoRX 4kB for 5μs 192 VFAT x 192bits = 4kB per OptoRX !!! G. Antchev