Wireless Message Communication Between Two Computers
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers Introduction The aim of this project is to develop a system for wireless message communication between two computers using 2.4 GHz trans-receiver units. In offices, communication between employees is essential. This project uses a pair of 2.4 GHz transceiver modules duly powered by 5 volt DC and alarm circuits. They are used for bidirectional real time chat communication from one PC to another wirelessly using hyper terminal. http://www.edgefxkits.com/
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers Description The user attempts to initiate a chat, intimation upon that message is received first by a buzzer sound. There after the other user can start communicating over the chat mode from his PC. A pair of transceiver modules are connected to the PCs using a DB9 (De-Sub) connector and through serial data cord using RS232 protocol communication between the module and the PC. An on-board dedicated ac to dc power supply is used at both ends to power the units. http://www.edgefxkits.com/
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers Block Diagram http://www.edgefxkits.com/
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers Hardware Requirements 2.4GHz transceiver Resistors Capacitors Diodes Transformer Voltage Regulators 555 timers Transistor Buzzer http://www.edgefxkits.com/
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers MAX 232 The MAX232 is an integrated circuit that converts signals from an RS-232serial port to signals suitable for use in TTL compatible digital logic circuits. The MAX232 is a dual driver/receiver and typically converts the RX, TX, CTS and RTS signals . When a MAX232 IC receives a TTL level to convert, it changes a TTL Logic 0 to between +3 and +15V, and changes TTL Logic 1 to between -3 to -15V, and vice versa for converting from RS232 to TTL. http://www.edgefxkits.com/
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers DB9 CONNECTOR The DB9 (originally DE-9) connector is an analog 9-pin plug of the D-Sub miniature connector family (D-Sub or Sub-D). http://www.edgefxkits.com/
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers 555 TIMER The 555 Timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) implementing a variety of timer and multivibrator applications. The original name was the SE555 (metal can)/NE555 (plastic DIP) and the part was described as "The IC Time Machine". Depending on the manufacturer, the standard 555 package includes over 20 transistors, 2 diodes and 15 resistors on a silicon chip installed in an 8-pin mini dual-in-line package (DIP-8). http://www.edgefxkits.com/
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers PIN DIAGRAM OF 555 The 555 timer IC is a simple 8 pin DIL package IC. It can: Be used as a monostable Be used as an astable Source or sink 100mA Use supply voltages of 5v to 15v Disrupt the power supply - use a decoupling capacitor http://www.edgefxkits.com/
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers Pc Communication http://www.edgefxkits.com/
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers Plug-and-communicate (no configuration required). Transparent operation supports existing software & systems. Simple configuration using software & standard AT commands. Retries & acknowledgements for guaranteed packet delivery. RS-232/422/485 protocol & multi-drop bus support. Peer-to-peer, point-to-point & point-to-multipoint networks. http://www.edgefxkits.com/
Wireless Message Communication between Two Computers Future Scope This concept in future can be further enhanced to link more number of systems forming a network. To dedicated computers such that number of employees can communicate with each other. Wireless message communication between two computers works only on operating systems having hyper terminal (E.g. Windows XP). The computer must have a RS232 serial port. http://www.edgefxkits.com/