Splitting an atom’s nucleus Used in Nuclear Power Plants Uranium is the fuel Control rods in a power plant keep the reaction from meting down
Two atoms slam together and form a larger atom Used in Sun and stars Hydrogen is the fuel Not used on Earth. Takes too much energy to get the reaction started Scientists hope one day to be able to use fusion reactions for almost limitless power generation
Nuclear Energy Used to produce electricity 20% of the US comes from nuclear energy Fission reactions Uranium is the fuel A single uranium fuel pellet the size of a fingertip contains as much energy as 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas,1,780 pounds of coal 149 gallons of oil.
Nuclear Energy Advantages Clean source of energy Overall, has been very safe Less expensive source of energy once the power plant is built
Nuclear Energy Disadvantages Very expensive to build a power plant(No new powerplants have been in the US since the 1970’s) Radioactive waste. Where to safely store waste? Yucca Mountain. How to transport the waste Safety concerns in nuclear power plants(MELTDOWN) Three Mile Island Chernobyl Fukishma