Means of comunication Alex Uvarov Form 8-A
The means of communication help us to send our messages and ideas from one place to another. Our world is huge and sending a message e.g. from America to Asia a century ago was nearly impossible or took a lot of time.
The History of Means of Communication People could communicate before they invented the alphabet.
Pictures People drew pictures on the walls when they couldn’t read and write.
Hands People «speak» with the help of hands. (Nowadays some people communicate with their hands too.)
Fire and smoke People used fire and smoke signals to send important information.
Flowers a lily means – “love” a yellow carnation means – “No” (answer).
Alphabet The first alphabet appeared in Egypt in 1900 BC and other cultures copied it.
Books… Books – a lot of information in them …
Post - Mail People invented the post in the 19th century. The English invented the stamp - “the Penny Black”.
Telegraph Samuel Morse invented telegraph - a communication system which transmits signals.
Telephone In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell, a Scotsman invented the telephone. Now the Bell Telephone Company is the largest company in the world.
We take our Modern Means of Communication for granted now.
Satellites The 1-st satellite was launched in Russia in1956. We watch TV with the help of them.
Television Television (TV) is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images.
Computer Internet Computers can help you keep in touch with your friends : chatting, talking, writing and receiving e-mails. It is like a typewrite and an address book. It is a brilliant source of information.
As for me… Mobile and computer are the most fastest and usefull means of communication. I think mobile telephone is a great invention in the world. I need a mobile to get in touch with my friends and parents, send and receive messages from them. I don’t read newspapers very oftеn. I listen to the radio and watch TV quite often. I like sitcoms, good comedies with crazy or black humour. But I think the Internet is the best way of communication. There is a lot of information there and you can also watch TV through Internet or listen to radio and you can read newspapers or magazines too.
THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION Alex Uvarov Form 8-A Krasnouralsk