Unit 9 When was it invented? What are the four inventions in ancient China (古代中国) ?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 9 When was it invented? What are the four inventions in ancient China (古代中国) ?

gun powder paper making printing compass These inventions have changed our life a lot. They make us live easily and happily. Without them maybe our lives will be difficult.

high heels Shoes with adjustable heels ice cream scoop heated ice cream scoop battery battery-operated slippers We have inventions everywhere.

A: What is the heated ice cream scoop used for? B:_________________________________________. A: What are the shoes with adjustable heels used for? B: ____________________________________. They are used for changing the style of the shoes. It’s used for scooping really cold ice cream.

A: What are they called in English? B: __________________________________ A: What are they used for? B: __________________________________ A: __________________________________ B: They were invented by Julie Thompson. They are called battery-operated slippers. They are used for seeing in the dark. Who were they invented by?

--_________________________________? --It was invented in __________________________________? --It was invented by Karl Benz. --_________________________________? --It is used for traveling to another place. 1885, Karl Benz When was the car invented? Who was it invented by? What is it used for?

InventionWhoWhenWhat an American 1945 heat cold food and cook meals an American before the first world war wake people up Report: This invention is called …. It was invented by …in …. It is used for …. Which do you think is more helpful / annoying?

New inventions are invented all the time. Most of the inventions are helpful, but some of them are annoying. Inventions can change our lives.

3a Helpful inventionsAnnoying inventions Example ______________ 1 Example ______________ Make a list of five helpful inventions and five annoying inventions. telephone alarm clock plane, car camera light bulb paper, elevator computer, radio mobile phone truck computer games junk food cigarette

What do you think is the most helpful invention? Why is that? What do you think is the most annoying invention? Why is that? Dialogue 1: A: What do you think is the most helpful invention? B: I think the most helpful invention is __________ A: Why is that? B: Well, it___________________________________ the light bulb gives people more time to work and play every day.

What do you think is the most helpful invention? Why is that? What do you think is the most annoying invention? Why is that? Dialogue 2: A: What do you think is the most annoying invention? B: I think the most annoying invention is ________. A: Why is that? B: Well,____________________________________. junk food eating too much of it is bad for our health

What do you think is the most helpful invention? Why is that? What do you think is the most annoying invention? Why is that? As for me, I think the most helpful invention is the…because…. I think the most annoying invention is the…because….

Name of my invention What is it used for? How does it help you? What do you think of it? My Invention

A: I’d like to have some matches because I could light a fire to keep warm. B: That sounds …. I agree with you. B: Yes, but that’s not going to help you leave the island. I think it would be better to have … Imagine that you are alone on a tiny( 小的 ) island. If you can only take some inventions, what would you take? Why?

If I am alone on a tiny island, First, I’d like to have …because…. Then…. Next…. Finally…. Writing: Imagine that you are alone on a tiny( 小的 ) island. If you can only take four inventions, what would you take? Why?

If I am alone on a tiny island, First, I’d like to have a boat because it could help me leave there. Then, I’d like to have a radio because I could listen to music all day to make myself happy. Next, I’d like to have a mobile phone because I could call up my mother when I miss her very much and then I’d like to have a torch( 手电筒 ) because I’m afraid of the dark. Finally I’d like to have a robot because it could cook lots of delicious food for me and play with me when I feel lonely.

If I’m alone on a tiny island, I’ll take five inventions. They are a mobile phone, a radio, a camera, a light bulb and a cooking machine. First, if I have a mobile phone, I can call up the policeman to ask for help. Then, I can listen to music on the radio and I won’t feel lonely. What’s more, I can use the camera to take beautiful photos. And the light bulb is the most important thing because it can give me light in the dark. Finally, A cooking machine can make food for me, then I won’t feel hungry. I think if I have these inventions, I won’t feel afraid and lonely on the tiny island. Sample Two:

Can you image our life in the future?

Life in the future Communication How will people communicate in the future? It will be easier and cheaper to communicate in the future. Video mobile phones will be widely used and we can also have face-to-face conversations on the Internet. Shopping and doing business through the Internet will be very convenient.

Life in the future Business and money What kind of money will be used? How will people do business in the future? More companies and persons prefer to do business on the Internet. We ’ ll take different kinds of cards with us instead of cash while shopping.

Life in the future Work Where will people work in the future? What kind of jobs will people have? More and more people will be able to work at home on the Internet, which we call SOHO. There will also be new jobs that will be different from the ones we have today.

Life in the future Transportation How will people travel in the future? Where will people go and why? Transportation will create no pollution. People will travel not only in local places also abroad. Science and technology will make it possible for ordinary people to travel in space.

Homework: 1.Homework (1) Part 3 Homework (2 ) Part 2 2. 完成 Unit 9 Section A

Homework (1) P was invented by Bell. 2. When was, invented 3. Where was, invented 4. Was, invented II. was invented was, used Was, used was used

calculator 3.car 4. invented 5. television / TV

1. was allowed to make his own decision by his father. 2. was knocked down by a van an hour ago. 3. was invented by Write Brothers in was sent to me by Richard as my birthday gift last week. 5. wasn’t brought to the western world. 6. I were given some sweets on Christmas Eve by our English teacher. 7. were made by Cruse in his exercises 8. How much was the new laptop paid for?