Boreal Forest By. Dajour Davis and Josh Price
Introduction The boreal forest is found in a nearly continuous belt across North America and Eurasia
Location North America and Eurasia Most of Canada and Russia are covered by coniferous trees that make up this biome
Soil Type The soils are generally strongly acid and the main soil process under this dominantly leaching climate is ‘podsolization’ leading to podsolic soils
Climate/Seasons The climate is cold, with average annual temperatures from about +5 to -5 degrees Celsius The winters are long and the summer is very short The summers only last less than 3 months
5 Interesting Facts There is little rainfall The coldest temperature recorded was -65 degrees Fahrenheit It inhabits millions of insects Many animals have to hibernate or move north when its cold For six months out of the year, the temperature is below freezing
Biotic Factors Wild Life: Moose Reindeer/Caribou Beaver Hare Vole Black Bear Grizzly Bear Wolverine Owl Eagle Fox Wolf
Human Impact Logging Mining Hydro Electric Development Oil and gas projects
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Quiz Boreal Forest Quiz 1)Name 3 animals that live in the Boreal Forest 2)In what ways do human impact this environment? 3)Does the Boreal Forest get little or a lot of rain? 4)How long do the summers last? 5)Where is the boreal forest located? 6)What type of climate does the boreal forest have? 7)What was the coldest temperature ever recorded? 8)Are penguins found in this biome? 9)Which two continents is a part of the boreal forest biome? 10)For how long is the temperature below freezing?
Answers 1.Moose, Beaver, Wolf, etc. 2.Logging, Mining, Oil and gas projects, hydroelectric development 3.A little 4.Less than 3 months 5.Canada and Russia 6.climate is cold, with average annual temperatures from about +5 to -5 degrees Celsius 7.The coldest temperature recorded was -65 degrees Fahrenheit 8.No 9.North America and Eurasia 10. six months out of the year
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