Five steps to help connect North Carolina employers to the employees they need to succeed in our state and help our citizens improve their quality of life W ork with one name O ptimize a stronger response to business needs R echarge Commission on Workforce Development K eep a consistent flow of high-quality data S can the needs of businesses
A single identity for North Carolina’s workforce system
NCWorks – Connecting Talent to Jobs
NCWorks Career Centers
NCWorks Online
NCWorks Apprenticeship
NCWorks Customized Training
NCWorks Career and Technical Education
NCWorks Certified Work Ready Communities
NCWorks Career Pathways
NCWorks – Connecting Talent to Jobs NGA Policy Academy Aligning the Education and Training Pipeline to the Needs of the Economy
NCWorks – Connecting Talent to Jobs Designed to support states planning and taking action to better align their education and training systems to the needs of their economy More people will have access to the middle class and beyond, companies will have a better prepared workforce, and the state will experience the benefits of a stronger economy States will receive grants, technical assistance, and have opportunities to learn from each other NGA Policy Academy
NCWorks – Connecting Talent to Jobs Clearly establish the state’s NCWorks Commission as the coordinating body for developing, maintaining, strengthening, and holding accountable a cohesive workforce and education system in North Carolina. Communicate to citizens, businesses, and across all agencies with one voice, one message, and one name for all of North Carolina’s workforce services. NGA Policy Academy – N.C. Action Plan
NCWorks – Connecting Talent to Jobs Ensure timely, consistent data is available to all partners and forms the basis for direction, decisions, metrics, and accountability. Build on current career and educational pathways by working with industry and a collaborative NCWorks Partnership to define, develop, and implement more rigorous career pathways that emphasize the need for education beyond high school and are tied directly to the economic needs of a region and the state. NGA Policy Academy – N.C. Action Plan
NCWorks – Connecting Talent to Jobs Bring together more closely aligned state and federal resources to reach strategic goals and implement performance funding. NGA Policy Academy – N.C. Action Plan
NCWorks – Connecting Talent to Jobs NGA Policy Academy Leadership Team: NCWorks Commission
A single identity for North Carolina’s workforce system