Project Management in Marketing Assignment briefing June and September 2013 Frank McKee Senior Examiner Professional Diploma in Marketing
Contents The Learning/Assessment Paradigm. The Syllabus/Assessment Map. The Learning/Assessment Model. The Critical Success Cycle. The Critical Success Cog. What’s Different? Thank You.
The Unit Content (Syllabus Weighting) 25%40% 20%15% DataCase RiskProject
The Unit Content (Assessment Weighting) 22 marks 38 marks 18 marks 12 marks DataCase RiskProject
The Brief, Mark Scheme, Grade Descriptor and Senior Examiner Assessment Reports
Conceptual Model for Defined Learning & Assessment (McKee, 2009) The unit learning/assessment criteria nest Assignment Brief Content & Context Interface & Alignment Syllabus Assessment Tasks Construction & Submission Concept, Application & Evaluation Assessment Criteria in Context
The Brief Option 1Content/Context1P or All P’s Integration and/or Alignment Context/ContentMarketing Mix
The Brief Option 2Content/Context Digital Data Sources Digital Data Management Context/ContentDMKIS
The Critical Success Cycle Data requirement, collection & presentation Justified business case to include cost benefit analysis Critical analysis of data, risk & support for marketing operations Risk mitigation or control programme based on impact & culture Format & presentation
The Critical Success Cog Complete Project Plan All stages In context
Task by Task (1) Identification of the information needs, requirements and sources relative to the business problem or need in the context of sponsorship. Presentation of all relevant data which will support the business case. Summary of the key issues relative to the identified explicit or underlying business problem or need. Recognition of the current information gaps relative to the business problem or need.
Task by Task (2) Critical analysis of the key issues identified in task 1. Identification of the associated organisational risks in context. Assesses all resource capacity, capability and necessity relative to the proposed project. Justified proposals complete with a robust cost benefit analysis and evaluation of how the proposals will support and enhance current marketing operations.
Task by Task (3) Critical analysis of the identified organisational risks highlighted in the business case and an assessment of the potential impact of these risks to the organisation if the risks are not treated. Proposed risk mitigation/control programme for the identified organisational risks highlighted in the business case. Discussion around the benefits of introducing a culture of risk management to the organisation.
Task by Task (4) Utilisation of a range of tools and techniques for project planning, scheduling, resourcing and control. Recommendation and justification for project methodology employed. Definition and itemisation of work breakdown, timelines, deliverables and milestones. Quantification of resource budgets. Assessment of the main evaluation techniques for determining success or failure.
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