Identifying impersonators
The following has been reproduced with the kind permission of: Michel Oude Veldhuis National Bureau of Documentation - Koninklijke Marechaussee Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, The Netherlands. UAE -
Most faces fall into these (3) primary shapes: Impostor Detection A systematic and comprehensive analysis of two or more faces can be performed by first comparing the overall shape of each face. Most faces fall into these (3) primary shapes: SQUARE ROUND OVAL
The following facial features should be examined: Impostor Detection The next step is breaking the face down into individual facial features and comparing the separate elements of each feature. The following facial features should be examined: EYES EARS NOSE SKIN MOUTH BONE STRUCTURE 4
Important features to look for when examining the eyes: Impostor Detection Important features to look for when examining the eyes: EYELIDS (raised or drooping) DISTANCE OF EYES FROM EACH OTHER SHAPE OF EYES (round or almond) DEPTH OF EYES IN SOCKET (recessed, flush in socket, or bulging) COLOR OF EYES
THE LEFT AND RIGHT NOSTRIL WINGS Imposter detection The nose should then be divided into four zones and each should be examined separately: THE BRIDGE THE TIP OF THE NOSE THE LEFT AND RIGHT NOSTRIL WINGS THE SEPTUM 6
Imposter detection The mouth area is formed by the joining of the upper and lower arches. When examining, break the mouth area into individual sections. FILTRUM CHIN UPPER LIP MOUTH BOX LOWER LIP
Imposter detection When examining the ear, include both the attachment point to the face and the individual sections comprising the outer ear. HELIX CONCHA TUBERCLE TRAGUS ANTI-HELIX LOBULE
Imposter detection It’s also very important to consider the whole face and any unique characteristics and skin marks ACNE POCKMARKS MOLES SCARS TATTOOS DIMPLES
Imposter detection Finally, one of the most difficult characteristics to alter or duplicate, the subject’s bone structure PROMINENCE OF CHEEKBONE AND BROW RIDGE CURVATURE OF UPPER AND LOWER JAW CHIN FEATURES (FOR EXAMPLE, CLEFT)
Let’s look at some actual case comparisons: Imposter detection Let’s look at some actual case comparisons: ? ?
Imposter detection IMPOSTOR
Imposter detection SAME INDIVIDUAL
Imposter detection IMPOSTOR
Imposter detection IMPOSTOR
Imposter detection SAME INDIVIDUAL
Imposter detection SAME INDIVIDUAL
Imposter detection IMPOSTOR
Imposter detection
Imposter detection IMPOSTOR
Imposter detection Trust your eyes and break down the unique characteristics of the face Consider the shape of the face Round, oval, square Consider the eyes and look at Eyelids, distance of separation, shape, depth and color Consider the nose and look at The bridge, tip, nostril wings, and septum Consider the mouth and look at Filtrum, upper and lower lips, chin, mouth box Consider the ears and look at Helix, tubercle, anti-helix, concha, tragus, lobule Consider unique characteristics of the skin Acne, pockmarks, moles, scars, tattoos, dimples Consider the facial bone structure Cheekbone, brow ridge, upper and lower jaw, chin features