By: Mark Abousleiman Constellations
Constellations are a form of stars in a pattern. 1. What are Constellations?
In the milky way galaxy. The earth’s rotation keeps the constellations move ("well" maybe just for us.) Long ago people tried to figure out which way was north for Constellations. 2. Where are Constellations?
Because long ago scientists thought that Constellations might have been people gods or even animals. Did you know that there is such thing as zodiac Constellations? And they are in the ecliptic that the sun travels across. The ecliptic marks the path of the sun. But you can’t see them in the night? (or some of them at least.) Because the zodiac Constellations show only in the daytime. And the zodiac Constellations that you don’t see in the daytime might be seen in the night. 3. Why are constellations important?
You can see Constellations in the northern hemisphere. And you can sometimes see them upside down. One more fact about Constellations, you can’t see them every day. 4. Miscellaneous?