Using Proton NMR
How many Proton environments?
How many Proton environments?
How many Proton environments?
How many Proton environments?
Proton NMR Spectra Number of environments = number of peaks Number of protons in environment = relative peak area (integral) Number of protons on neighbouring carbon = splitting pattern (eg. doublet, triplet) Type of proton environment = chemical shift (compare with datasheet)
Doublet 1H – NMR C2 H4 O Quartet 1 3 Integral
Ethanal 2.2 ppm 9.8 ppm
Quartet 1H – NMR C3H8O Singlet Septet (7) Integral 1 1 6
1.2ppm 2-propanol 2.2ppm 4.0 ppm
Singlet 1H – NMR C4H8O2 Triplet Quartet Integral 2 3 3
2.0ppm Ethyl ethanoate 1.3ppm 4.1 ppm
Draw a Proton NMR to represent 1-Bromopropane – label with chemical shift, splitting pattern and relative integration
Draw a Proton NMR to represent 1-Bromopropane
Draw a Proton NMR to represent Butanoic acid – label with chemical shift, splitting pattern and relative integration
Draw a Proton NMR to represent Butanoic acid
Sketch the 1H NMR spectrum of compound X (see right) and label the relative peak areas. Label any peaks that would be lost from the spectrum on shaking with D2O. [4]
2 proton peak at δ = 3. 3-4. 3 – singlet (-CH2-) 2 proton peak at δ = 3.3-4.3 – singlet (-CH2-) 1 1 proton peak at δ = 3.5-5.5 – singlet (-OH) 1 1 proton peak at δ = 11.0-11.7 – singlet (-COOH) 1 (ranges of chemical shift (δ) values taken from data sheet) • penalise each error once only • ignore peak areas/heights unless incorrectly labelled Labelled diagram of the structure of G proposed by the student may be used to provide evidence for the positioning of peaks on the sketched spectrum. Both OH and COOH protons disappear on shaking with D2O 1