First try Pass rate % LSCC grads 94.74%
Pass rate average for Florida RN schools %
National Pass rate average for RN schools 88.91%
Pass % LSCC grads 94.74% That’s 5.87% higher than Florida Average! And 5.83% higher than the national average!
What is the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission? AN HONOR SOCIETY for NURSING SCHOOLS
NLNAC National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission About NLNAC The National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) is responsible for the specialized accreditation of nursing education programs (Clinical Doctorate, Master’s Degree, Baccalaureate Degree, Associate Degree, Diploma, and Practical Nursing program). The Commission has authority and accountability for carrying out the responsibilities inherent in the application of standards and criteria, accreditation processes, and the affairs, management, policy-making, and general administration of the NLNAC. The NLNAC is nationally recognized as aCommissionnationally recognized Specialized accrediting agency for both post secondary and higher degree programs in nursing education. NLNAC accredits all types of post-secondary and higher degree education nursing programs. PROGRAM TYPE NLNAC ACCREDITED PROGRAMS* Nursing Doctorate 1 Master's 102 Baccalaureate 259 Associate Degree 617 Diploma 59 Practical Nursing 153 *Number of programs as of year ending 2006.
Why does LSCC… Want to be NLNAC accredited when we are ALREADY accredited by the BON and SACS? Bragging rights There are only 617 A.D.N. programs in the nation with this distinction and we want to be one of them.
LSCC Nursing Program Is part of a community college that is accredited. Is approved for operation by the Florida Board on Nursing. Is applying for membership in an honor society for nursing schools (NLNAC).