SWE Region Mentoring Program Colleen M. Layman Director of Regions September 17, 2013
Region Mentoring Program Purpose Enhance leadership pipeline for region and Society positions Expose more SWE members to region and Society activities Help build the necessary skills of future SWE leaders Relationship is based around SWE growth This is not a career/life mentoring program * Program can be flowed down into the sections
Mentor Program Coordinator Recommended: Mentoring Program Chair If the Region prefers to have this part of the Region Nominating committee, then the coordinator would be a the Region Nominating committee member. Status: 7 Regions – Mentoring Program Chair not all filled position to date 2 Regions – Region Nominating Committee Chair 1 Region – Region Governor
Mentoring Pair Ground Rules Set-up one attainable goal for the year Determine what they want to get out of this. Develop a SWE ‘career’ map, if needed Communicate on a regular basis: Goal to have 1 meeting a month Hold at least 1 face to face meeting a year Agree on communication plan Phone, instant message, s, etc. Target communication & engagement every month (once a quarter minimum)
Mentoring Pair Ground Rules Pairing Concept Based on SWE level (for professionals and collegiates) Section leader with Region leader Region Leader with Society leader Collegiate leader with professional leader
Operating Rhythm – Region Coordination Program Duration: Year-long Program started mid-year and span into next (calendar year) Quarterly Program Meeting Provide overview to Region and National Positions Provide skills workshops Help from Leadership Coach – get LCC involved Monthly discussion topics ed to pairs Just something to get the conversation going.
Program Schedule Mentor and Mentee Sign-up (2-wks) Pairing (2-wks) Pairing based on experience and interest Kick-off Meeting (telecon) ran by Mentoring Program Chair Pairs meet monthly Face-to-Face at WE13 (if possible) and Region Conference Workshop at Region Conferences Mid-year survey check with the pairs How is it going, any questions? If either mentee or mentor believes the matching is not working, they may let the Region X Mentoring Facilitator or Region X Governor know and get a new match.
Leadership Coaching Committee Support Coordinating efforts between RG Team and LCC Jessica and Colleen – Cathy Krier from LCC WE13 LCC/CLCC will be covering content titled "Mentoring Enrichment" on Saturday October 26, :45pm - 3:45pm LCC request for RGs to review and comment on content Potential webinars Region Conferences Request from RGs for LCC to provide workshop on mentoring at Region conferences LCC to attend RG Meeting at WE13 and discuss content
Region Overall Program Status Region J up and running with 10 mentee-mentor pairs (FY13 Pilot) Most regions in process of initial call and pair matching Rollouts at Fall leadership summits and Plans for pairs to be selected in time to meet up at WE13 (where possible) Initial reception varies widely across regions 1 region struggling to find champion Looking to LCC for helping with mentor & mentee general training/orientation tools
Acknowledgements Thanks to Region J for providing lots of valuable input and ideas based on their own successes and challenges! Thanks to Wendy Landwehr (FY13 DDR) for her efforts in leading the RG Sub-team and pulling the plan together!
Region Mentoring Program Initial Sign-up Survey
Sign Up Survey How to Sign Up Fill out Survey by xxx Pairings sent out by xxx Kick-off Telecon xx/xx/xx Questions:
Initial Survey Content The following is the Region X mentoring program survey The program is open to all SWE members. This is an opportunity for us to prepare tomorrow’s SWE leaders for excellence! More details about the program will be sent out through e- mail. Below are questions to help match you with the most ideal mentor. Questions before then please
Initial Survey Content 1. Name 2. Contact 3. I am interested in the Region X mentorship program and would like to have a mentor assigned to me. Yes No 4. I would like to become a SWE mentor and am willing to commit to the program for the remainder of FYxx. Yes No
Initial Survey Content 5.If you answered Yes to the previous question... Would you be willing to mentor a professional, collegiate or either type of member? 6.What is your engineering discipline? 7.At what stage are you in your career? College Student Early Career (1-3 yrs) Mid Career (4-10 yrs) Experienced Career (10+ yrs) Retired
Initial Survey Content 8.At what stage are you in your SWE career? (Please choose the highest level of office you have held.) Section Region Society None of the above 9.What are you passionate about? (You may select more than one.) Aspire (Outreach) Advance (Professional Development) Achieve (Award Recognition)
Initial Survey Content 10. What would you like to get out of this relationship as a mentor or mentee? 11. Is there anything specific you would like to be considered? 12. Is there any specific topics you would like a seminar on?