Pre-Lab 7A: Energy in a System
Purpose A system is a group of objects that interact with each other. Energy measures the ability of a system to change itself or other systems. This investigation is about systems and energy.
Key Question How is energy related to motion?
Background Define: energy metric unit for energy formula for potential energy
Drawing Draw this:
Section 1: Note the ramp has two sections: steep – bend – flat (absolutely flat: no additional energy/angle) The ramp design has two ramp angle options: use the steepest ramp angle place rubber band at the BOTTOM of the ramp Where does the photogate go, read/look at the picture? Do NOT use marbles (even though the picture looks that way).
Section 2: What is “drop position”? Read line #1 now, and look at the drawing too. When you launch the car, DO NOT PUSH, just release it. Your car will go through the photogate, then hit the rubberband and, travel BACKWARD through the photogate again
Section 2 cont: Read: how to retrieve the first time on the timer? When calculating speed (formula?) do not confuse drop position distance w/ flag distance: so, which do you use? Do this experiment FIVE TIMES, each time move the start block DOWN the ramp. Do NOTrecord answers in sigfigs: why? END
Post-Lab 7A: Energy in a System
Purpose A system is a group of objects that interact with each other. Energy measures the ability of a system to change itself or other systems. This investigation is about systems and energy.
Key Question How is energy related to motion?
Background Define: energy unit for energy formula for potential energy
As the starting gate is moved down the ramp, what happened to the - time through the first gate? - speed of the car? After bouncing off the rubber band, - describe the motion of the car relative to starting position. - explain why this occurred. - did you prove Newton’s third law wrong? How do the two speeds, before/after bounce, compare? - explain why this occurs. What would you do to increase the distance traveled up the ramp?