Entry task Look at the pictures below. 1. In your Get Started notebook; date: Title : Hindu Gods 3. Write down 5 things about one of the pictures.
Learning Objective: To understand how Hindus explain the idea of God Compare the origins, founding leaders, basic principles, and diffusion of major religions and philosophies as they emerged and expanded, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and Taoism.
Hinduism - revisiting
Hinduism is an Indian religion. It has 900 million followers.
What’s it all about? Hinduism is a fascinating religion – one of the oldest in the world. They are a peaceful people who have respect for all living things. They are vegetarians because they believe that all animals have a soul.
Have you ever felt some days that you are a different person? Do you change your behavior with different people? Do you think that one person can sometimes have different personalities?
On page Draw a flower with lots of petals in your book. Use about half a page for this: Draw in pencil. You are now going to label each petal of your flower. Some will show the different things you are to others e.g. son, daughter, friend, pupil.. Other petals will show all your different emotions e.g. happy, sad... You will see that even though you are only one person – you are also lots of different things.
The Hindu understanding of God The name for the Hindu God is Brahman. He is like a powerful force. Star Wars talks about a powerful force that runs throughout the universe v=2LTsvOHq3xc 2mins 29secs v=2LTsvOHq3xc v=R55e-uHQna0 1min 2secs v=R55e-uHQna0
Did you know that the different sides of Brahman – known as the Hindu gods are also called deities (pronounced day-it-eez) The Hindu god Brahman is the absolute god of Hinduism. He may be one being or the ‘force’ that runs through the universe, but like you, he has many different roles and sides to his personality. Sometimes you feel like making something or smashing something. You may feel angry or peaceful. Brahman is also all of these things and more.
See if you can find your side of Brahman Brahma – creator of the world.
Vishnu – preserver of the universe
Shiva – the Destroyer
Ganesha – god of good luck
Krishna – god of love and joy
Durga Goddess of fear and protection
Lakshmi – goddess of wealth
Hanuman – king of the monkeys
Saraswati – goddess of the arts
Durga – the invincible goddess
Depending on where people live in India and the way they are brought up, Hindus will have a special image of their version of God that they worship. Not all Hindus believe that these deities are aspects of the one god, but rather that they ARE their own characters and are less than the real one god.