Querer in the present= to want
In the preterite, querer (affirmative) = to try or attempt
In the preterite, querer (negative) = to refuse
Quise quisiste quiso
Quisimos quisisteis quisieron
She refused to do the homework.
Ella no quiso hacer la tarea.
I tried to prepare dinner.
Quise preparar la cena.
Saber in the present= to know facts, information, or how to do something
Saber in the preterite= to find out
Supe supiste supo
Supimos supisteis supieron
You found out that the test is tomorrow.
Tú supiste que el examen es mañana.
Poder (+ infinitive)= can, to be able to
Pude pudiste pudo
Pudimos pudisteis pudieron
Were you able to go to the movies last night?
Pudiste ir al cine anoche?
We couldn’t go to the mall.
No pudimos ir al centro comercial.
Poner= to put, to place
Puse pusiste puso
Pusimos pusisteis pusieron
I set the table for my mother.
Yo puse la mesa para mi madre.
She put the book on the table.
Ella puso el libro en la mesa.