El Rancho Unified School District CAASPP Test Site Coordinator Training: Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments February 12, 2016 Presented by: Rachel Garcia, Coordinator, Categorical Programs
Our purpose today is to understand the correct procedures and protocols for preparation and administration, including test security, for the CAASPP summative assessments. Objective
The Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments consist of the following: English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA) and Mathematics tests Includes computer adaptive portion of the test and a performance task in each content area The California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) consist of the following: English Language Arts and Mathematics tests for students with significant cognitive disabilities Student Participation
All students in grades 3-8 and grade 11 take the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments with the following exceptions: Students enrolled in or assigned to grades 3-8 and grade 11 whose IEP team designates the use of the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) in ELA and Mathematics. English learners who have been enrolled in a school in the United States for less than 12 months (for ELA test only) Student Participation
Computer Adaptive Test (CAT): Students complete the CAT portion of the assessment for both ELA and Mathematics. The CAT includes a wide variety of questions. As a student progresses, the difficulty of questions is adjusted on the basis of the student’s responses. A student who answers a question correctly will receive a more challenging question An incorrect answer will generate an easier question About the Summative Assessments
Performance Task: Students complete a Performance Task for both ELA and Mathematics. The Performance Task is designed to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and higher- order thinking skills to explore and analyze a complex, real-world scenario. The Classroom Activity is optional this year. A review was conducted and Smarter Balanced determined that the vast majority of Performance Tasks contain sufficient explanation and context to be administered without requiring the classroom activity. Any Performance Task that was identified as not containing sufficient explanation and context to be administered without a classroom activity has been removed from the Smarter Balanced tests. About the Summative Assessments
Roles and Responsibilities
Attend training and/or view the test administration tutorial, and submit the completion certificate. Read and sign the CAASPP Test Security Affidavit. Review accessibility supports in TOMS for each student being tested. Download and read the DFAs before testing. Test Examiner Responsibilities
There are multiple ways to prepare students and staff for the Summative Assessments: Practice Tests Training Tests New: CAA Training Tests, coming soon Practice Tests for the CAAs are not available for Please note that Practice and Training Tests do not: Assess all of the standards that will be in the operational tests Predict or gauge a student’s success on the operational assessments Produce scores Preparing Students and Staff
Practice Tests vs. Training Tests
There are two means for accessing the Practice and Training Tests: 1.Through on a Web browserhttp:// 2.Through the secure browser Simulates operational online testing environment TAs may create test sessions for the Practice Tests or Training Tests on the TA Practice and Training Site Accessing the Practice and Training Tests
Students and parents who wish to access the Practice Test and/or Training Test via an Internet browser will select the button below 3 2 1
Using the Test Operations Management System (TOMS)
TOMS can be accessed from the CAASPP portal at Accessing TOMS
TOMS Student Profile: Demographics All demographic data is read only
Universal Tools: Available to all; based on student preference and selection (e.g., strikethrough, highlighter) Designated Supports: Available to all; need to be indicated by an educator or group of educators (e.g., color contrast, read aloud, glossary, magnification) Accommodations: Based on IEPs or Section 504 plan (e.g., American Sign Language, scribe) Accessibility Supports
The online assessments include embedded and non- embedded accessibility supports: Embedded: part of the computer administration (i.e., digital notepad, calculator) Non-embedded: provided outside the computer administration (i.e., scratch paper, multiplication table) Accessibility Supports
Test Administration
Estimated Testing times: Scheduling Testing Time
The estimates do not account for any time needed to start computers, load secure browsers, and log in students. Review and account for test expiration rules when scheduling testing time. Recommended: CAT first, PT second ELA PTs have 2 parts and can be completed over 2 days. Math PTs have 1 part and can be completed in 1 day. Recommended: PTs should not be administered on the same day as the CAT. Scheduling Testing Time CAT Performance Task
Testing students in classroom-sized groups is preferable. Reduces test fear and anxiety Facilitates monitoring and control for Test Administrators Room should have good lighting, ventilation, and be free of noise and interruptions. Displayed information (on bulletin boards, chalkboards, or dry-erase boards, etc.) that might be used by students to help answer questions must be removed or covered, including: Rubrics, vocabulary charts, student work, posters, graphs, charts, etc. Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions
Make appropriate seating arrangements prior to test administration. Students should be seated so that they cannot view the answers of others. Establish procedures to maintain a quiet testing environment throughout the test session. Remember that some students may finish more quickly than others. Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions
Cell phones or other electronic devices are not allowed to be used during testing (e.g., they must be turned off and put away). Post an “Unauthorized Electronic Devices May Not Be Used at Any Time During the Testing Session” sign so that it is clearly visible to all students. Place a “TESTING—DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the door. Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions
Students must answer all test questions on a page before moving on to the next page. Students may not return to a test segment once it has been completed and submitted. Students must answer all test items before the test can be submitted. Students may not return to a test once it has been completed and submitted. Test Administrators must follow the “SAY” script exactly each time a test session is administered Refer to the “SAY” boxes of the Online Test Administration Manual and/or Online Directions for Administration General Test Rules
1.The Test Administrator logs on to the Test Administrator Interface from on a standard Web browser. Administering a Test Session
2.The Test Administrator selects the test category or the grade level and content area. Administering a Test Session
3.The Test Administrator selects the tests to administer. Additional tests can be added to a session; you will receive a confirmation message box. 4.The TA starts a test session.
Administering a Test Session 5.The TA informs students of the test Session ID Write or display clearly in a place all students can see. Session IDs are automatically generated upon selecting the [Start Session] button. Additional tests can be added to a session; you will receive a confirmation message box.
Test Administrators need to provide students with the Session ID, the student’s Statewide Student Identifier (SSID), and confirmation code (student first name in CALPADS) for logon May be provided on a card or piece of paper – can be printed from EADMS TAs may write the Session ID on a board or where students can see it Administering a Test Session Important: Student personal information is secure and must be collected and securely stored at the end of a test session, then securely destroyed at the end of the test administration.
Administering a Test Session 6.Students log on through the secure browser. Recommended: Secure browsers are already launched on testing devices before students sit down to test. To log on, students need: First Name (Confirmation Code): Student’s legal first name as spelled in CALPADS State-SSID: “CA” followed by a hyphen “-” and the student’s SSID Session ID: TA-generated Session ID
Administering a Test Session 7.Students verify their identity. After logging on, students will see the “Is This You?” screen Students should select [Yes] to continue if the information on the screen is correct.
Administering a Test Session 8.Student selects the test. All grade-level tests that the student is eligible to take are displayed. Only the tests that the TA selected for the test session and those that have not been completed are selectable by students. Note: Only the tests that have been selected by the test administrator will appear active. Others will be grayed out.
Administering a Test Session 9.Upon selecting a test, students will wait for TA approval. 10.As students select tests, the TA will see approvals populate in the Approvals queue of the TA Interface.
Administering a Test Session 11.The TA selects the [Approvals (#)] button to access the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen.
Administering a Test Session 13.The TA selects [Set] to confirm the current test settings and return to the list of students awaiting approval. The TA still must approve the student for testing or 14.The TA selects [Set & Approve] to establish the existing settings and approve the student for testing. Note: If a student’s test settings are incorrect, TAs should deny the student, contact the Test Site Coordinator to correct the test settings in TOMS, and test the student on another day.
Administering a Test Session 15.Upon reviewing test settings for all students, the TA approves students to test on the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen. Select [Approve] to approve a specific student for testing. Select [Approve All Students] to approve all students.
Administering a Test Session 16.After the TA has approved a student for testing, the student will verify the test information and settings. The student will select [Yes, Start My Test] to begin testing or [No] if their settings are incorrect
Administering a Test Session 17.If a student has a text-to-speech accommodation or is taking a test with ELA listening questions, he or she will verify the audio checks through headphones. Text-to-speech audio check Test with listening questions audio check
Administering a Test Session 18.Finally, students will see the Test Instructions and Help page before they begin testing. Students will select [Begin Test Now] to begin testing.
Monitoring Student Progress TAs can monitor student testing through the Students in Your Test Session table on the TA Interface: Displays students who have logged in and been approved for testing.
Pausing Tests TAs may pause an individual student’s test in the Students in Your Test Session table. − This will not affect other students’ tests. − There are different pausing rules for the CAAs.
If there is a technical issue (e.g., power outage or network failure), students will be logged out, and the tests will automatically be paused. If a test is paused, the student must log in again to resume testing. Highlighted text is preserved during test sessions. Student comments entered on a notepad are preserved. General Pause Rules
Pause Rules: Computer Adaptive Test If a CAT is paused for more than 20 minutes, the student is: Presented with the test page containing the test question he or she was last working on (if the page contains at least 1 unanswered item) OR Presented with the next test page (if all items on the previous test page were answered) Not permitted to review or change any test items on previous test pages If a CAT is paused for less than 20 minutes, the student is: Presented with the test question or passage he or she was working on when the test was paused Permitted to answer previously shown items within a segment
Pause Rules: Performance Task There are no pause rules for Performance Tasks. Even if a PT is paused for more than 20 minutes, the student can return to the current section and continue. ELA PTs are divided into two parts. After a student completes the first part, he or she cannot return to it.
As a security measure, students are automatically logged out of the test after 30 minutes of inactivity. Activity means: Selecting an answer Using a navigation option in the test (i.e. selecting [Next] or [Back], using the Questions drop-down list) NOTE: Moving the mouse or selecting an empty space on the screen is NOT considered activity. Before the system logs out, a warning message will be displayed. Test Timeout Due to Inactivity
TAs can stop a test session (and therefore, pause tests for all students in the session): Select the [Stop Session] button in the upper-left corner of the TA interface An “Important!” box will appear, requesting verification to end the session and log students out. Select [OK] to continue or [Cancel] to keep the test session open. Stopping an Entire Test Session
Reaching the End of the Test 1.After students answer the last question on the test, the [End Test] button will appear in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Reaching the End of the Test 2.Upon selecting the [End Test] button, an “Attention” message will appear. Students will select [Yes] to proceed with reviewing answers and submitting the test.
Reaching the End of the Test 3.Students may review answers before submitting a test.
Reaching the End of the Test 4.When a student is ready to submit the test, he or she will receive a confirmation screen.
Test Expiration Rules A student’s CAT test remains active until the student completes and submits the test, the selected test administration window ends or 45 calendar days after the student has begun the CAT. A student’s PT remains active for 10 calendar days after the student has begun. New: A student’s test expires at the end of the selected test administration window. New: An expired PT may be extended an additional 10 days.
Test Security
Security Agreement & Affidavit Site Test Coordinators – Submit agreement online Test Examiners – Sign Affidavit – submit originals to District at the end of testing and keep copies on file at site for 1 year Anyone having access CAASPP Tests must sign and submit a CAASPP Security Affidavit No unauthorized electronic devices used in classroom during testing sessions For testing purposes, any electronic device that is not specifically designated in the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan is unauthorized. Security
Room sign with reminder of no electronic devices To be posted in clear view of students Can be photocopied Available on caaspp.org Security
At randomly selected schools and LEA offices (before, during, or after testing) Are correct administrative procedures being followed? For example: Instructional materials on walls have been removed or covered Students are not being coached through exams Only appropriate Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations are being provided No unauthorized electronic devices are being used Security Audits
Completion of the Smarter Balanced online assessments is dependent on the student completing both parts of the assessment in each content area: 1.CAT 2.Performance Task Important: Students who do not complete both parts will not receive an overall score. Completion Rules
Overall Score If a student responds to fewer than 10 CAT questions and fewer than one Performance Task question, the student will be assigned the following for that content area: Lowest Obtainable Scale Score (LOSS) Lowest Achievement Level (Standard Not Met–Level 1) Students assigned the LOSS are counted in the number enrolled and in the number tested, but they are not included with the number of tests with valid scores. Claim Scores A student will receive a claim scale score if the student responds to the majority of questions that contribute to the claim. Scoring Considerations
Questions & Answers