From the Civil Air Patrol News, May 1970
Note the new AE test for the Mitchell.
1970 Changes: continued “tweaks” to the 1964 program The Multiple Track Phases from 1968 were discontinued. Phase one: Cadets continued to earn their first stripe after Phase I. Phase changes: Phase III was divided into III and IV. Achievements had to be completed in sequence, and were numbered. Self study: The program became fully self-study, with no option. The only remaining meeting requirement was that every 4 th meeting feature Moral Leadership No written AE exams: Aerospace Education exams were by “debriefing” or oral exam. Written Leadership Lab exams were required and demonstration of some skills.
1970 Contracts: cadets had to sign a contract for each achievement. Cadets agreed to complete each achievement “on or before” a specific date. The only AE written exam was for the Goddard achievement. It was a comprehensive AE test, and “one of the major requirements for the… Mitchell Award.” The order of precedence for achievements changed and remained in this order: Curry, Arnold, Wright Brothers, Rickenbacker, Lindbergh, Doolittle, Goddard, Mitchell, Earhart, Spaatz, Falcon Cadet officers served as Leadership Lab counselors to Phase I and II cadets. Staff Duty Analysis required a written test.
What was previously Phase III is divided into Phase III and IV. Completion of achievements 8,10, and 11 resulted in promotions. C/Capt was earned by completing achievements 8-11 in order and passing the Leadership Test. Then the cadet received the Earhart Award. C/Maj and C/Lt Col remained discretionary. The Spaatz award now fell outside the Phases. Cadet officer changes:
1970 – enter the contracts When a contract was completed, it was mailed in to National Headquarters, along with a small fee ($1.50 for most achievements). National Headquarters would mail the cadet the next contract, grade insignia and the achievement ribbon. This page is from the Cadet Handbook.
The Cadet Handbook contained a log for contract completion.
Physical Fitness Program Update Cadets had to earn weekly points and complete the timed mile run.
1975 Written open book exams for both AE and Leadership Lab were now required. The Mitchell AE exam is listed as an open book exam. Changes from the 1970 program:
The Leadership Test was closed book. Phase III remained the same. In Phase IV Cadets could earn C/Maj and C/Lt Col for the first time. Completion of Phase IV achievements 13 and 15 resulted in promotions. Changes from the 1970 program:
Contract use continues
Two Volume Leadership Lab These were used into the 1990s.
Cadet Program Stability Very little changes in the Cadet Program from 1975 – 1998 The changes are to achievement testing (open book/closed book), AE manuals, one grade name change, some uniform changes, and PT standard changes. Otherwise, the structure and achievements remain the same. This image is from the Aviation Study Manual, 1949.