Florida Department of Transportation Statewide Sponsorship Program Rudy Powell, P.E., Director, Office of Maintenance FDOT Maintenance Conference May 2016 Orlando, Florida
Statewide Sponsorship Program 2 Road Map What is the purpose? What are the goals? What was the timeline of development? What are the current individual programs? What are the potential individual programs? What are the responsibilities of maintenance?
What is the Purpose? To generate revenue to offset some of the maintenance or operational costs of the asset or program by providing an opportunity for vendors to increase name recognition through the use of acknowledgement signs. 3
To maximize revenue by using a comprehensive approach to leverage all assets to generate more interest from sponsors compared to a typical “a la carte” approach and by establishing sponsorship pricing comparable to similarly marketed sponsorships in the private sector. To utilize the revenue received from any sponsorship program to offset the maintenance or operational costs of the asset or program. 4 What are the Goals?
September 2014 Statewide Sponsorship Contract Travelers Marketing, LLC November 2012 Sponsorship Research and Valuation Strategy Recommendations What was the Timeline? March 2012 FHWA Directive April 2014 FHWA Directive February 2014 FDOT Sponsorship Program Policy FHWA Approval May 2015 Rest Areas Geico Safe Phone Zones
6 ProgramStatus Safe Phone ZoneApproved & Sold Safety Service PatrolApproved & Selling 511 SponsorshipApproved & Selling Non Turnpike Toll PlazaApproved & Selling FTE – Sponsor-A-HighwayApproved & Selling DigitalApproved 511 only What are the Current Programs?
Safe Phone Zone Rest Area, Welcome Center, and Service Plaza Sponsorship 7 Type & # of Facilities # of Signs Who Maintains 52 Rest Areas60FDOT 8 Service Plazas16FDOT 4 Welcome Centers 4FDOT
Safety Service Patrols Road Ranger Program Sponsorships in Districts 4, 5, 7, and TP 8
511 Sponsorship 9
Non Turnpike – Toll Plaza Sponsorship 10
Florida Turnpike – Sponsor-A-Highway 11
12 Program Weigh Stations Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Statewide Sponsor-A-Highway Beautification Sponsorship Programs Florida Scenic Highway Program Landscaping What are the Potential Programs?
13 ProgramFabrication & Installation Maintenance Safe Phone ZoneDepartment Road RangerDepartment 511Travelers MarketingDepartment Sponsor-A-HighwayTravelers Marketing Other ProgramsTBD What are the Responsibilities of Maintenance? All signs are required to be installed in accordance with the current Specifications and Design Standards. Travelers Marketing, LLC will be providing the Department a look ahead schedule for sign installation.
14 Questions/ Comments? Rudy Powell, P.E. Director, Office of Maintenance Florida Department of Transportation (850)