What are Honors & AP Courses? Honors courses are taught utilizing the same Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) as general education courses, plus additional enrichment activities to increase the rigor of the standard course content. Advance Placement is a college course program developed by the College Board. AP courses have required instructor training Institutes conducted by College Board employees who are AP Readers, AP Instructors, and Professors who provide exams, texts, and instructional materials to teachers. AP instructors’ course syllabi must be approved by the College Board, the school district, and the school, so there is an extra measure of accountability.
What are the Benefits of Honors & AP Courses? Benefits: Analysis and critical thinking development Interdisciplinary Connections & Real-World Applications Endurance development & Growth through challenge .5 GPA bonus on transcripts AP courses better prepare students for post-secondary endeavors College & Career Readiness & Dual Enrollment Options AP courses have potential future financial benefit! The PCHS Academy of Science, Research, & Medicine has 12 potential AP courses offered If a student passes 10 AP exams, they will essentially be able to bypass 1 year of college courses, saving anywhere from $5,000-$30,000+
What are the Expectations of Honors & AP Courses? Maintain an 80% or higher Ability to write and think critically Ability to persevere through rigorous content and study expectations Homework: 30+ minutes each night (Honors = ~30 min/night & AP = ~1 hour/night) Homework Purpose: Flipped Classroom concept - guided reading or videos at home, then application activities at school (labs, debates, etc.) Improved Reading Comprehension Levels Vocabulary Acquisition Skill Acquisition Navigating Difficult Content
Why is my “A” student struggling? Rising level of challenge National & global competition Growth through struggle (while maintaining GPA) AP Transcript Bonus 10% grade/1.0 GPA Extra Credit Opportunities Exams will ease as students grow You can help!
How can I help my child succeed? Summer Enrichment & Acceleration Projects – Get Ahead! Teaching stress management Diet, exercise, rest, vitamins, water, etc. Teaching discipline & study habits Learning good times for study & HW (morning person v. night owls) Working ahead Scheduling (Homework Calendar/Class Websites) Teaching multi-tasking Example: cleaning room while watching Ted Talks for scored discussion, while watching extra credit film analysis, or while listening to AP Bio podcasts Eliminate Chores and buy your child an iPhone & iPad Just kidding!