Voice Level 0
1. My schema of Ancient Greece is… 2. Three questions I have about Ancient Greece are… I have determined the following information is important… United Streaming Video
Student is off task and does not work individually or with group to complete task. Student contributes little to group discussion. Student is often off task and distracts the group. Individual work may not have been completed. Student does not help in the creation of the poster. Group poster is messy, contains spelling and grammar errors, and/or is incomplete. Student completes individual work and somewhat contributes to the group. Student may not work on the poster at all. Student either does not present group work to the class and helps with poster or does present but doesn’t help with the poster. Student may be easily distracted. Group poster contains the required number of facts with few spelling and grammar errors. Poster is easy to read. Student works hard to complete both the individual aspect and group portion of the project. Student works on the poster and stays focused on the discussion. This student presents to the group. If this student doesn’t present they make up for it with their exceptional work on the poster and with the group. Group poster contains important information without spelling or grammar mistakes. The poster is colorful and full of creativity. Grades may be determined by the teacher, group members, self, or as an average.
Why did the Greeks create temples? What were they for? To honor the gods Hold statues Worship (from outside)
Post and Lintel forms a series of columns (posts) and beams (lintels) Walls and a roof were added to this basic skeleton The Greek temples were distinguished by their entablature, the decoration of the vertical column and horizontal beam
Three orders of columns varied by their decoration of the capital and entablature. o Doric –strength and simplicity o Ionic – refinement and sophistication o Corinthian – imperial wealth and grandeur
Classical Orders Video
What is your background knowledge about Religion? Briefly describe characteristics of each religion that you know. Do you have any personal connections to any specific religion? Explain.
The Greek Friezes on the Parthenon told a story. They were carved in relief.
Your Greek frieze must include the following: o Six or eight boxes of pictures. o The pictures should chronologically tell a story. o Your story should be set in Ancient Greece and include interactions between people and at least one Greek god. o Include at least one temple with Greek columns. o Vertically divide your paper with triglyphs. o Write out your story in words on the back. o DO NOT write words or symbols on the front.
All answers must be in complete sentences! Use the RED Understanding Art Textbook Read pages o Answer questions 1-5 on page 101 Read pages o Answer questions 1-5 on page 107
Fold a piece of white paper long-ways. Draw half of a Greek vase (see page 101 for examples). Cut out the vase so that you will end up with a perfectly symmetrical vase. Using crayons color the vase making sure that it stays in line with the three characteristics we discussed in class. The center should include a narrative picture. __ Use only red, black, orange, or brown (no white spaces) __ Include geometric patterns __ Include human figures.
Art made to celebrate or commemorate something important in the culture, in ritual or worship, or in personal life. o Greek statues of gods used in worship and temples
Tells a story or makes a point o Scenes on Grecian urns o Friezes on temple entablatures
Things that are useful in everyday life but are made to be artistically beautiful. o Greek urns o Temples (architecture)
Promotes ideas, philosophies, or products o Statues of gods
Focuses on the artist, for the self-expression of the artist’s personal, internal emotions, feelings, experiences or ideas o Any statue, vase, building that expresses the artist’s experiences or feelings
The Greeks created and used vases for various purposes. These vases also had specific styles and colors that were characteristic. a. Draw a characteristic Greek vase. b. What two colors are you most likely to see on an ancient Greek vase? c. Explain how a Greek vase could serve each of the following purposes: Narrative, Functional, and Artistic Expression.
Line is the extension of a point in some direction through space. Five main kinds of lines. Horizontal Vertical Diagonal or slanting Zigzag Curved
Shape is an area set off by one or more of the other elements of art. (2-dimensional) Organic (irregular, natural) as related to nature Geometric (circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle)
Form is the shape of a 3 dimensional object.
Hue – another word for color Primary Colors – Red, Yellow, Blue Secondary Colors – Orange, Green, Purple
How light or dark a hue (color) appears. A color’s shade value is increased by adding black. A color’s tint value is increased by adding white.
Texture: the way things feel, or look as though they might feel if touched.
Space is the area between, surrounding or inside objects. Positive Space: Focal point, what is emphasized, usually the foreground. Negative Space: usually the background Optical ‘tricks’ create the suggestion of space.
Complete the following on a piece of paper that you will turn in: 1. Read pages 54-59, 62-69, and in the BLUE Exploring Art book. Choose 15 of the following 20 questions to answer on your own piece of paper. You must answer at least one question per page. USE COMPLETE SENTENCES!!! o Page 55, #1-3 o Page 59, #1-5 o Page 65, #1-4 o Page 69, #1-5 o Page 73, #1-3 2. Answer questions 1-15 on page 76. These do not need to be in complete sentences.
You may work QUIETLY (Voice Level 1/Whisper) with a partner. STAY IN A SEAT! DO NOT COPY – work together and hold each other accountable to do the same amount of work. Get the work done FIRST and then you may talk about other things… or study with each other… or complete missing/late work. This is due TOMORROW. Get it done in class so you can ask me questions if you have them. Get it signed by a parent or guardian and you will receive extra credit. However, it must also be complete and turned in on time.