A Closer Look How do our senses help us learn about nature?
bluebird You can already read words like this: What are the two smaller words?
airplane When you come to a new word, look for smaller words in it. Look at the letters and think about the consonant and vowel sounds. Say the words to yourself, join them together, and then read the whole word.
nighttime Compound Word: What are the two smaller words?
Group Practice outside tight spied weekend tie
Group Practice fight tonight denies flashlight daylight
Group Practice flies sunglasses
When I read a sentence, I read each word without stopping between the words. If I come to a word I don’t know, I blend it. Then I read the sentence again. My dog does not like the flies outside. Which classmate tied with you in the spelling bee? The sunflowers might open early this year.
to look at something carefully in order to learn about it; study observe
powers of a living thing to know what happens outside itself; sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch are the physical senses senses
the power or sense of seeing sight
the power to take in the flavors that things have taste
the power by which a person knows about things by feeling or handling touch