Pastoral Models in Japan Fr. Resty Ogsimer, cs Catholic Tokyo International Center Archdiocese of Tokyo National Migrant Chaplains Day _________________________________ Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees
A) An aging society with low birth rate B) Few Japanese Catholics and dramatically rising non- Japanese Catholics.
A ging society with low birth rate The Statistics Bureau and the Director-General for Policy Planning of Japan, Population Census 2012,
0.78million to 2.13million in 30 years! 1.3million increase since 1980! 43 thousand a year!!! Japan Immigration Association, “Statistics on the foreigners registered in Japan”, 2011 Few Japanese Catholics and dramatically rising non- Japanese Catholics
Ratio between Japanese Catholics : Foreign Catholics = 400 thousand : 580 thousand The Catholic Bishop's Conference of Japan, "Catholic Status 2007", Registered Catholics are 400 thousand= 0.3% of Japanese population
THE MIGRANTS PER NATIONALITY Japan Immigration Association, “Statistics on the foreigners registered in Japan”, 2011
Bi-Cultural Children:
To them, we cannot say tomorrow; their name is TODAY. Many things can wait; the children cannot. Now is the time their bones are being formed, their minds and hearts are being developed.
Areas of Concern: Loss of identity Hard to find where to fit in Japanese society
Parents from different cultural backgrounds poses a challenge to raising children in a bi-cultural home environment. There may be conflict of interest with their partner's beliefs or customs. Parents generally want to pass on inherited customs to their children.
Children should be made aware of their double (not half) cultural heritage.
Children will be more open-minded, accepting and tolerant of other cultures. Advantages: Children, who are raised in bi-cultural home environments have advantages that provide them with varied life experiences.
They are presented with: dual language learning; unique family customs; interesting and varied traditions; and the exposure to bi-cultural stimuli that goes beyond common, no matter where they live.
Some important aspects to consider when raising children in 'bi-cultural' homes.
1. What language will you speak? - Children will have the ability to communicate with a broader range of people. - Perhaps their bilingualism will open doors for them in the future and offer them a wider range of options later in life. - Perhaps they will develop a love for languages and acquire additional languages more easily. Encourage Bilingualism Advantages:
A very popular method is known as "One Parent, One Language“ (OPOL) one parent speaks exclusively to the child in the minority language, while the other uses only the local or majority language. A very popular method is known as "One Parent, One Language“ (OPOL) one parent speaks exclusively to the child in the minority language, while the other uses only the local or majority language. There are many different methods of raising a bilingual child.
Another popular method is “minority language at home“— using the minority language exclusively within the family with the idea that the child will learn the majority language by living in the country.
2. What conduct is considered polite, impolite or offensive in both cultures?
3. What foods to prepare for them?
4. How do you expect them to dress? 5. What sports would you encourage them to play?
6. How do you introduce God to the child?
7. What religious symbols to introduce to the child? Which Religious festivities to expose to?
8. What to celebrate in the family (religious & cultural)?
Others: discipline, child-rearing, roles of boy vs. girl in the family, education, etc.
A few tips that can help a child understand who he/she is and appreciate the differences in other cultures and around him/her:
Provide books, games, toys and music that reflect different cultures.
Participation or exposure to festivals or celebrations of other cultures.
Seek out prominent members of the community who may be from different cultures such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. It's important to show children that men and women in leadership positions come from all walks of life.
Urge the children to speak out when they are witness or victims of bullying acts.
Exposure to other ethnic dishes or eating out at various ethnic-themed restaurants.
Celebrate multi-cultural holidays and be open to other, foreign ways.
Parents in bi-cultural homes, should take active roles in teaching their children about their culture. They should be open and accepting to the blending of two cultures. We can offer our children the better of two worlds!
Culture, after all, is to be shared and enjoyed in celebration!