Emitter Based Solar Detector`s Conversion Efficiency: An Assessment of Harmonized Coating Layers (Hls) Impact from Industrial Viewpoint Bablu K. Ghosh, Ismail S., Khairul A. M., Saiful Sapri M. Z Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, BACKGROUND For solar energy harvesting, the optical (reflection) and electrical loss due to passivation effect /or emitter layer impact are prominent. Passivation layer influences on quantum efficiency and it is due to emitter types as well as passivation materials. In solar cell technology, the dilemma of N and P emitter is now scope of potential research. In this study emitter type & passivation materials impact have also been evaluated through photo response and/external quantum efficiency (QE). Due to insertion of (SiO 2 +Si 3 N 4 ) harmonized layers (HLs) as passivation and anti-reflection; effects of emitter are not profoundly realized but HLs is found promising for better photon management. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the emitter and passivation materials impact on solar detector performance in complying with the industrial leaning of cSi processing technology ( PT) for energy devices. METHODOLOGY N and P-type c-Si wafer based PN, NP, P + N, N + P, P + iN and N+iP detectors are fabricated using TCAD software. The effect with and without harmonized layers (HLs) and even non-optimized HLs layers on photo response and QE are also being performed. With optimized concentration of body doping the PN, NP, P + N, N + P, P + iN and N + iP detectors are investigated. Designed junction/window area is 1 mm 2, irradiation is 1W/cm 2. RESULTS AND FINDINGS: POTENTIAL APPLICATION The harmonized coating layers (HLs) would have immense applications in the field of renewable energy for efficient solar photovoltaic (SPV) and solid state detector technologies. FIGURE2 : RESPONSE FOR DIFFERENT PASSIVATION LAYER LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (1) B.K Ghosh, I. Saad, A. Yamamoto “Optoelectronic properties of improved GaN semiconductor (111) using growth approaches and different interlayer” International Journal of Materials Science and Applications 2013; 2(2) : 43-46, doi: /j.ijmsa (2) Bablu K. Ghosh, Ismail Saad, Akio Yamamoto, “High luminescence efficient Ga polarity domain GaN realized on Si(111) by MOVPE”, RSM2011 Proc., Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, IEEE explore ISBN: , P (3) Bablu K Ghosh, I Saad, Khairul Anuar Mohamad, T Kinchin, A Wong “Photo detector junction properties and dynamic aptness analysis- Computational study”, Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE), 2012 IEEE Xplore; /10/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE, P (4) B. K. Ghosh et. al, “Intense UV Enriched Photo Detection by Higher Energy Edge Attuned Coating on Si Detector”. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology and Engineering IJERCTE-13 ;ISSN NO (5) B. K. Ghosh et. al, “Different Materials Coating Effect on Responsivity of Si UV Photo Detector”, International Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT 2013), IEEE Xplore ISBN pg (6) B. K. Ghosh et. al, “Current Density Modeling of Si UV Photo Detector” 2014 Computer Applications in Environmental Sciences and Renewable Energy, ISBN: pg CONCLUSION Kota Kinabalu, Sabah ext IMPACT OF THE RESEARCH For the industrial development of cSi based solar photovoltaic (SPV) process technology (either N/ P type bulk or either P/ N type emitter) this research outcome is very potential. It will be a step ahead for more efficient solar cell fabrication. Renewable energy is highly related to society and economy as well. FIGURE 3: PHOTON EDGE DEPENDENT cSi QE This work is supported by FRGS grant FRG0307-TK—1/2012 Geometric mean (GM) of refractive index (RI) between cSi (3.47) and air (1.00) are about It is nearly matched by √ (2.06x 1.57) of √ (SiO 2 xSi 3 N 4 )refractive index. So Better photon management is obviously occurred due to the nano-coating of HLs. Due to this matching and better SiO 2 passivation effect, significant impact of emitter is not realized and evidently found higher QE. Its complying with the industrial leaning of Si PT for energy devices. NOVELTY Higher conversion efficiency (QE) and almost immunity of emitter’s type on photo response for the implementation of HLs (anti-reflection + passivation) as different materials combination. Existing industrial system for SPV can be modified as either emitter selection with out significant variation of QE FIGURE 4: EMITTER IMPACT ON QE and PHOTO-RESPONSE FIGURE1 : DESIGN ASPECT HLs and EMITTERS for Si DETECTOR