LSA Core overview 6 / 11 / 2007 Wojciech Śliwiński (AB-CO-AP) on behalf of LSA team
2 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Agenda LSA – operations view LHC driven extensions
3 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Operations data flow Optics import Parameters definition Generation – initial Settings Trim – Settings modification Exploitation – drive Settings Devices DB
4 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Optics All optics in the LSA database Layout, Twiss, Strengths Imported from few sources Layout database MAD Data model common for all accelerators (LHC, SPS, LEIR) Information about all Devices (FESA & non-FESA)
5 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Optics Display
6 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Parameters definition Manual from SQL scripts e.g. Power Converter currents Imported from MAD (Knobs - physics parameters) e.g. Momentum, Tune, Chromaticity Using GUI application for FESA properties e.g. BI settings, Collimators
7 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Parameter space LHC Tune system, from physics (LHCBEAM/QH) to hardware (IREF)
8 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Settings (1) Setting – function/scalar value of a parameter for a given context Operational settings for all parameters (physics to hardware) Settings of external parameters (e.g. current) are the ones sent to equipment Settings can be retrieved, trimmed and sent to equipment
9 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Settings (2) Setting holds a target and a correction value Target values are calculated using the optics (Generation) Correction values are entered by an operator or calculated by a tool (SPS Autotrim) Context ParameterSetting targetValue correctionValue
10 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Setting Viewer
11 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Settings (3) Modify / Reload / Rollback / Copy functionality + history of all changes General access point to all devices/properties (FESA, MUGEF, FGC, GM) Context independent (not multiplexed) parameters (e.g. thresholds) have unique setting
12 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Settings (4) Categories: Functions (magnet strength, PC current) Discrete (constant value per context, thresholds) Includes also settings for FESA devices Actual (function snapshot at given moment - LHC) Critical (protected settings for critical devices)
13 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Machine Critical Settings (MCS) Aimed for the most critical and potentially dangerous devices/settings Complementary to the RBAC Second layer of security Based on a digital signature scheme To ensure data integrity Verified on the front-end level (FESA)
14 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Settings Generation Management & scheduling of context types: SuperCycle(Type) Cycle(Type) BeamProcess(Type) Generation of initial settings based on optics Generates top level (physics) parameters settings Propagates the settings down the parameter hierarchy Support for functions, discrete & actual settings
15 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Context type management
16 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński New SuperCycle generation
17 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Actual settings generation
18 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Trim (1) Coherent modification of settings value Propagation of changes from source to dependent parameters Supported value types: Functions & Scalars Context Trim (timestamp) TrimEntry newValue Parameter
19 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Trim (2) Saves the changed settings and sends them (external ones) to the hardware All trims are arichived (history) and can be reverted and rolled back
20 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Trim GUI
21 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Trim history
22 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Trim (3) Settings Copy Done as a trim operation - coherent copy From one context to another Cycle copy BeamProces copy Previous settings saved in trim history Can copy complete parameter systems e.g. all TUNE parametrs
23 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Settings Manager - Cycle copy
24 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Settings Manager - BeamProcess copy
25 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Trim (4) Make Rules Incorporation Rules Link Rules From Physics to Hardware Parameters
26 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Trim – Make Rule Make Rule allows to compute the parameter value from its sources Make Rule is associated to the relation between two parameter types (e.g. K I) A trim can be made on a high level parameter and be automatically propagated
27 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Trim – Incorporation Rule Incorporation Rule merges a change on a parameter value Ensures continuity of functions within the SuperCycle Propagates change from one BeamProcess to its neighbours Rule is defined for BeamProcessType trim Incorporation rule
28 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Trim – Link Rule Link rules compute the link between two beam-in parts of the SuperCycle Settings for the part of the SuperCycle without beam Physics parameters only exist when there is beam, hardware parameters (e.g. current) are always there Used only for hardware parameters (e.g. current). SPS Ring
29 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Exploitation (Equipment access) Sending settings to the hardware Driving MUGEF, LEIR, LHC Power Converter Generic drive for FESA devices Implemented transactions for MUGEF Transactions for FESA and FGC to be implemented Reporting of failures Generic tools to access any type of device
30 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Equipment Control Read/Write of any properties (including FESA) Custom commands
31 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Generic Measurement
32 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Agenda LSA – operations view LHC driven extensions
33 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński LHC - non-cycling machine LHC is different from SPS – there are no cycles Sequence of processes (i.e. injection, ramp, squeeze, physics) executed asynchronously Length of some of these processes is unknown in advance e.g. physics
34 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński HyperCycle Organizes LHC operations Ordered sequence of SuperCycles Orders SuperCycles to be played in LHC Mixture of normal and actual SuperCycles e.g. injection, ramp, squeeze Only one SuperCycle within Hypercycle active Normal or actual
35 6/11/2007LSA LHCCWG – Wojciech Śliwiński Actual Settings When lenght of some processes is unknown in advance Created as snapshot of a function at a given point in time Creation point: START, END, BETWEEN Discrete setting taken from function at a given time Enables discrete trim – time independent Incorporation of the changes Incorporated back to the source SuperCycle function Incorporated forward to the next SuperCycle function