December 2008 Title III Master Plan Institute 2008-2009 Language Acquisition Branch Reclassification of English Learners and Monitoring of RFEP students.


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Presentation transcript:

December 2008 Title III Master Plan Institute Language Acquisition Branch Reclassification of English Learners and Monitoring of RFEP students Secondary

December 2008 Categorical Program Monitoring (CPM) English Learner Items

December 2008 Objectives 1. Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of English Learners (ELs) 2. Describe the process and procedures regarding monitoring the academic progress of secondary Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Students

December 2008

Expert Table A Expert Table A Expert Table C Expert Table C B B D D Home Team B D A C A A B C DA B C B D D Expert Table Expert Table

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs at the Secondary Level in LAUSD Objective 1

December 2008 Reclassification of Eligible ELs

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs ELs who are potentially eligible for reclassification based upon the criteria established by LAUSD (see Section II of REF )

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs Reclassification

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs ELs who are potentially eligible for reclassification based upon the criteria established by LAUSD (see Section II of REF )

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs How?

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs Print Notification of Reclassification Letter Using SIS ID27

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs Notify Parents

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs After printing the Notification of Reclassification Letter for all those who qualified for reclassification

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of ELs Send Notification of Reclassification to Parent and appropriate translation if applicable After the parent has signed and return the notification letter, file the signed notification letter in the student’s Master Plan Folder

December 2008 Identification Reclassification (Process) Notify Parents (Documentation) Reclassification of Eligible ELs

December 2008 SIS Support for Reclassification Using ID27

December 2008 ID 27 Reclassification Eligibility Roster – EL Monitoring Roster selected to identify only those students who qualify for reclassification Garza, Juana Goros, Jordy Goros, Sofia Lope, Felipe Mata, Tino

December 2008 Once the student has met all the criteria: Print the Notification of Reclassification letter (ID27,F3) oFoFoFoField 341 changes to RFEP automatically oLoLoLoLetter will be printed in both English and Spanish oToToToTranslation exists in other languages and must be completed by hand and attached to the English letter oPoPoPoPrincipal’s signature must be obtained oMoMoMoMake a photocopy for your records

Once the student has met all the criteria: oSoSoSoSend the letter for parent to sign oMoMoMoMake the effort to have the parent sign and return the letter oPoPoPoPut signed letter in the Master Plan Folder oSoSoSoSchedule a conference for every parental request made

Parent Inform Date: Field 382 Parent may request conference Parent acknowledges change Remove LAU sticker from student’s CUM folder, write RFEP and date Principal 9/2007 Maria Garcia 10/7/2007

December 2008 Notification of Reclassification Mr. Principal 10/31/08  10/31/08 11/10/08 2 nd 11/20/08 Mom on phone: RFEP OK NC 11/5/08 Spoke to Mom. Her concern was change in program. Told her classes won’t change until next semester. RFEP OK. NC Ima Parent 11/4/08 11/5/08 Spoke to Mom. Her concern was change in program. Told her classes won’t change until next semester. RFEP OK. NC 10/31/08 11/10/08 2nd 11/20/08 Mom on phone: RFEP OK NC

December 2008 SIS Information Entry 11/5/08 RFEP C CELDT 9/ /08 09/01/

December 2008 Reclassification Label Print labels right away: ID28, Place label in Oral Language Tests section of the student’s cumulative record 6

December 2008 Secondary Initial English Language Assessment Label Primary Language Assessment Label Reclassification Label

December 2008 Describe the process and procedures regarding the monitoring of academic progress of secondary Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Students Objective 2

December 2008 Monitoring RFEP Monitoring Process (minimum of two years)

December 2008 Monitor

December 2008 RFEP students are expected to meet or exceed state grade-level content standards, and to meet the A-G requirements for high school graduation

December 2008 Schools must: 1. Regularly gather and review data to monitor RFEP students’ progress 2. Notify parents of ongoing progress after reclassification 3. Provide appropriate and additional education services when needed and annually evaluate effectiveness of such services State law (Education Code sections 305, 306, 310, 313, 51101, , and 62002) and federal law (Title III of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001)

December 2008 System for RFEP Monitoring Run the roster when grades are available, at least once a semester (ID27, F4) NOTE: Select students who reclassified during the last two academic years Sort 381 ] 07/06, 381 [ 06/08) Discuss with the leadership team possible intervention programs for identified RFEP students Discuss action steps for those students not meeting benchmarks and those whose parents request support services

December 2008 RFEP Monitoring Roster: ID27, F4

December 2008 Schools must: 1. Regularly gather and review data to monitor RFEP students’ progress 2. Notify parents of ongoing progress after reclassification 3. Provide appropriate and additional education services when needed and annually evaluate effectiveness of such services State law (Education Code sections 305, 306, 310, 313, 51101, , and 62002) and federal law (Title III of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001)

December 2008 Notify Parents

December 2008 Run the letters at least once a year, recommended at the end of the fall semester (Same sort, ID27, F5)

December 2008 Intervention

December 2008 Year 0 Year 1Year 2 NOTE: Year of Reclassification will be considered Year 0

December 2008 RFEP Monitoring Notification ID27, F5 2007/08 = Year 2 Not adequate X Summer School Mrs. Principal 1/15/08 What other type of intervention services would you suggest?

December 2008 Schools must: 1. Regularly gather and review data to monitor RFEP students’ progress 2. Notify parents of ongoing progress after reclassification 3. Provide appropriate and additional education services when needed and annually evaluate the effectiveness of such services State law (Education Code sections 305, 306, 310, 313, 51101, , and 62002) and federal law (Title III of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001)

December 2008 Support Services Help with homework Support in math Tutoring Saturday School Summer School Counseling options See Attachment G of REF

December 2008 Documentation Includes but is not limited to: ID27 printouts—Highlighted Annotated and Dated Reclassification letters and Annual Title III letters Suggested intervention Implementation of intervention Notification to teachers and parents regarding intervention Annual monitoring of interventions program effectiveness Establish an Effective Monitoring System

December 2008 Inside-Outside Circle

December 2008 Explain the reclassification criteria and process to reclassify Describe a successful system to monitor RFEP students for two years Discuss the documentation process regarding reclassification Key Questions

December 2008 Next Steps What are the reclassification systems now in place at your school? Is documentation complete and up to date? RFEP Binder CUM records SIS entries Intervention evidence What supports are in place for newly reclassified students?

December 2008 Action Plan Reclassification Process and Documentation Monitoring RFEPs

December 2008 Objectives 1. Describe the process and procedures used in the Reclassification of English Learners (ELs) 2. Describe the process and procedures regarding monitoring the academic progress of secondary Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students

December 2008 References Reference Guide REF Reclassification of English Learners, Secondary Reference Guide REF Monitoring the Academic Progress of Secondary Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Students