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Pg. 154 Activity 2.19
0:26:39-0:51:44 Scenes 5-13
Scenes 5-13 (First Viewing) Why does the neighborhood welcome Edward into their lives so quickly? How does the neighborhood seem to change after Edward’s arrival? Kim’s reaction to Edward is humorous, but in what way is hers the most natural or realistic response? What hints in this segment indicate that all will not work out well? What did you notice in the plot sequence that was a purposeful editing decision made by Burton?
As you watch, take notes on your assigned section. When we finish watching you will discuss your section with your group to become an “expert” on your section. Scenes (Second Viewing) Framing/ Angles LightingCamera Movement Music/ Sound Editing Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5
Scenes (Second Viewing) Framing/ Angles LightingCamera Movement Music/ Sound Editing Jigsaw to your new groups. Discuss each of your observations with your group and take notes on what you learn. Your chart should be thoroughly completed when we finish.