Jan 2011 Strength based development EngagementProfitable Growth
CATALYST ( is a learning and development firm specialising in the field of assessment, training and recruitment. Assessments – through ‘CATALYST Development Centers’ Trainings – Industry relevant training modules on Soft Skills and behavioural skills Technical skills specific to a particular industry like Banking Operations, FMCG Sales, Retail Management Recruitments – Tie ups with Fortune 500 companies to meet their recruitment needs across North and West India Strength based development EngagementProfitable Growth
Day long Assessment Centers / Development Centers conducted to identify training gaps. Participants observed by multiple qualified assessors over the entire day. Assessment Center exercises tailor made to company requirements ( Typical AC has written exercises, psychometric tools, group activities and games and personal interviews) Detailed development report prepared for each participant consisting of identification of development areas and forward action plans Training calendar developed based on development report of candidates to ensure maximum training effectiveness. Training modules include soft skills as well as technical skills.
Assessment Tools Range of well-researched assessment tools endorsed by industry experts and psychologists Assessment tools range from written aptitude tests, psychometric tests, group exercises, creative games, role plays and personal interactions Certifications and licenses Thomas International People Assessment license and certification Dale Carnegie Train the Trainer program Steven Covey’s program on effective coaching Assessor and trainer quality Highly experienced assessors and trainers with extensive development experience across industry verticals Each assessor and trainer taken through a complete CATALYST developed ‘Train the Trainer’ program for every project Strength based development EngagementProfitable Growth
Centralised location in Delhi – NCR to access top entry level talent from across North India Companies get to see only pre-screened candidate profiles Resume screening done by Catalyst based on specifications of the company Credentials verified by Catalyst for all shortlisted candidates Additional screening done via written test/ psychometric test depending on the needs of the organization Flexible to accommodate your specific screening process Pre-induction conducted by CATALYST to ensure talent is day one job ready Strength based development EngagementProfitable Growth
Minimal Cost per Hire Zero pre-assessment and pre-induction cost Minimal consultant cost Minimal Speed to Hire One-stop access to ready talent from multiple sources Talent pool pre- assessed and pre- trained High Quality of Hire Talent pool is pre- trained and day one job ready One day company specific module also implemented CATALYST Strength based development EngagementProfitable Growth
Strength based development EngagementProfitable Growth
Priti Agarwal (Founder and Managing Director) BA Eco. Hons. (St. Stephen’s, Delhi University), PGDM (XLRI, Jamshedpur) Priti has over 6 years of work experience in top Corporates like Hindustan Unilever Limited and Accenture Consulting before founding CATALYST. She was a top performer in HUL in both the sales and marketing departments and was awarded the Director’s Enterprise award for her sustained excellence in Priti has a keen interest in people development and training, having trained several HUL and Accenture employees on various Sales, Marketing and Management domains, and is now following her passion of learning and development.
Strength based development EngagementProfitable Growth