Legislative Branch
Continental Formation Framers were opposed to the concentration of power in single institution. Wanted to balance large and small states: bicameralism- House and Senate. Expected Congress to be the dominant institution.
On the Job Each Congress begins in the beginning of the new year on odd numbered years. If out of session President can call them back to the job. Times varies: usually they start up in the beginning of January and ends sometime between mid-November to end of December.
Getting the House Job 435 Politicians comprise of the House All states guaranteed 1 delegate. Must be 25 years old, a 7 yr. citizen, and legal resident of state. Elected in even numbered years, every 2 years.
Shifting Numbers in the House Every 10 yrs. federal gov’t conducts census to gather population numbers in states. Can lead to decrease of increase in number of Reps. 1929 Congress set cap on Reps at 435. Political Census Political Census Political Census
Redrawing the lines Redistricting- establishing election zones based on number of delegates every 10 yrs. Redistricting has been abused and given name of “gerrymandering.” Skews population numbers and political lines. Why would they do this?
PA District Map
District 6
Gerrymandering Example
Gerrymandering District lines are completely irregular. Named after Elbridge Gerry of Mass.
Joining the Senate 100 Members, 2 from each state Must be 30 yrs. old, 9 yrs. a citizen, legal resident of state. Serve 6 yrs. terms, 33% elected every 2 yrs.
Privileges of Congress Only can be arrested for treason and breach of peace while in session. Large staff, office credit card, multiple houses and tax write offs.
How to spot a member of Congress Average age is above 50 years. Still primarily white and Christian, although changes are being made.
Getting re-elected 90% of incumbents in office will be re- elected. Some districts are empty and have only 1 party that runs. WHY? How has the Internet changed things now?