s Great Depression The Great War Baker’s Choice MISC
- What act during Prohibition officially ended the sale and manufacturing of alcohol? Row Question
- Volstead Act Row Answer
- Prohibition is said to have caused a major increase in crime during the period. Who is the most famous organized crime leader of the 1920s? Row Question
- Al Capone Row Answer
- What amendment officially banned alcohol consumption and what amendment overturned the prohibition amendment? Row Question
- 18 & 21 Row Answer
- One of the most famous people of the 1920s, he became famous for the first trans-Atlantic flight in history? Row Question
- Charles Lindbergh (“Lucky Lindy”) Row Answer
- First ever movie with sound in the 1920s Row Question
- Jazz Singer Row Answer
- The foreclosure of farms and food supply due to major droughts in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas to name a few, was known as the Row Question
- Dust Bowl Row Answer
- He won in a landslide over Herbert Hoover in the 1932 election as the public overwhelmingly wanted change in America to help the economy Row Question
- Franklin Roosevelt Row Answer
Row Question - List at least three causes of the Great Depression
- Stock Market Crash, Unequal Distribution of Wealth, Problems in industry and farming, Dust Bowl, Consumer Debt, Speculation and Buying on Margin Row Answer
Row Question - How many people in the United States became unemployed between 1929 and 1932 during the Depression?
- 12 million Row Answer
- What was the phrase used by Herbert Hoover during the start of the Depression that encouraged Americans that by using hard work and perseverance they would make it through the Depression Row Question
- “Rugged Individualism” Row Answer
- Countries involved in the Triple Entente before World War I starts Row Question
- Britain, France, Russia Row Answer
- Name of Woodrow Wilson’s peace plan while campaigning for the 1916 election Row Question
- “Peace without Victory” Row Answer
- As a result of the Versailles Treaty, how money did Germany have to pay in war reparations? Row Question
- $33 Billion Row Answer
- What happened to Woodrow Wilson during his tour in the U.S. to gain public support for the Treaty of Versailles? Row Question
- He had a major stroke in 1919 and eventually died in Row Answer
- This person created the Committee on Public Information to create propaganda to encourage the American public to support the Great War effort Row Question
- George Creel Row Answer
- What was the nickname given to Senators who wanted to return to an isolationist policy after the Great War and refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles? Row Question
- Irreconcilables Row Answer
- What did the 16 th, 17 th, 18 th & 19 th Amendment each create? Row Question
- 16 th – income tax, 17 th – direct election of Senators by the people, 18 th – prohibition, 19 th – women’s suffrage Row Answer
- Discriminatory immigration law that restricted the immigration of Southern and Eastern Europeans and practically excluded Asians and other nonwhites from entry into the United States. This act instituted admission quotas by using the 1890 census to determine the population of a particular nationality group; the government then only allowed 2 percent of that population into the nation. Row Question
- Nations Origin Act of 1924 Row Answer
- What is the historical significance of the Treaty of Versailles? Row Question
- Its weaknesses led to a second world war Row Answer
- Who was the first American to win the Nobel Peace Prize? Row Question
- Theodore Roosevelt Row Answer
- What bird can lift the most? Row Question
- A crane Row Answer
- What has 6 eyes but can't see? Row Question
-Three Blind Mice Row Answer
- Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team? Row Question
- She ran away from the ball Row Answer
- What do you call a guy who's born in Columbus, grows up in Cleveland, and then dies in Cincinnati? Row Question
- Dead Row Answer
- What did Delaware? Row Question
- Her New Jersey Row Answer