Asheboro City Schools Dr. Cayce McCamish EC Director Representing Asheboro City Schools LEA Self- Assessment Team years of excellence!
8 Schools Students enrolled: 4,689 Race/ethnicity: American Indian=.2%, Asian= 1.8%, Hispanic= 42.8%, Black= 13.7%, White= 37.6%, Multi-racial= 3.9% Limited English Proficiency= 17.69% Students with disabilities= 12.5% Acknowledgement: Pam Johnson, Ken Hill, Staff and Students of ACS Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Team(s) Communication Summarize data Collecting additional data Practice Profile Action planning Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Flexible team membership based on focus EC Leadership Team EC Teachers Superintendent’s Cabinet Director of Testing and Accountability Director of Finance Additional stakeholders Asheboro City Schools years of excellence! EC Director & EC Leadership Cabinet Finance Additional Stake- holders EC Teachers Testing, Account ability & Policy
Key Messages: What is the LEA Self-Assessment? Why are we doing it? How this might impact our work What to expect next Facilitating Change: Introduction of topic/ item Assess current implementation effort/strategies (Focus: improvement) Collect data/feedback to guide next meeting Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Graduation Rate (4 and 5 year cohort for EC students and District) Performance, proficiency and growth rate for schools (EC as a subgroup) School and district PBIS and disciplinary data summaries Developing a master data spreadsheet (combining Powerschool and CECAS data) Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
IEP Implementation IEP goal attainment LRE Progress Monitoring Effectiveness of co- teaching efforts Evaluation of Supplemental and Intensive Behavior Supports (Tiers 2 and 3) Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Strengths: Communication & Collaboration Priorities for Improvement: IEP Development, Implementation & Outcomes Problem-Solving for Improvement: Behavior and MTSS Readiness Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Asheboro City Schools Focus AreaDetailsCurrent DataGoal MathIncrease academic proficiency for SWD in Math 5.1% proficiency in grades 3-8 (14/15 SY) 80% ReadingIncrease academic proficiency for SWD in Reading 9.9% proficiency in grades 3-8 (14/15 SY) 80% DisciplineDecrease disciplinary outcomes for SWD SWD are 12% of the population but receive more than 20% of disciplinary referrals (mostly in the disability category LD and SED) proportionate representation (12% of ODR received by SWD) or less than 20% of SWD have 2 or more referrals Family Involvement Increase family/ community participation and collaboration -no specific format for collaborating with parents at the district level develop meeting forum and parents of SWD participate annually PreschoolIncrease outcomes for preschool students 3 indicators suggest no increase in student outcomes for pre-k outcomes (social/emotional, knowledge, and adaptive behavior) in 12/13 APR data set goal based on 14/15 data Graduation/ Post Secondary Outcomes Increase graduation rate for SWD (decrease dropout rate) and support development of effective post-secondary transition plans 78.3= 4 year graduation rate and 70.6= 5 year graduation rate. These rates are lower than district average rates (86.8 and 86.4 respectively) 80%
Review all available data to identify problems Used the framework to organize key areas for consideration Outlined goals based on district/ department objectives Identify challenges in each area and possible action steps Next steps- clearly define action steps with dates and people responsible Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Item 4.3: LEA collects and analyzes aggregated data about students with disabilities to establish priorities for improvement. (Graduation, Attendance, Discipline, Disproportionality, and Post- Secondary Transition) Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
SET Comparison for State, Region and District Average
= 21% (through November 2015)= 25%
Problem: While data indicate schools are implementing PBIS at high levels of fidelity (Tiers 1-3) key evidences of implementation are not available (ex. Missing Tier 2 interventions) frequency of requests for support related to behavior are increasing (based on number of requests) EC teachers request behavioral interventions as highest area of need for PD (based on staff survey). Priority: impacts all students; increases instructional time; aligns with district goals for improvement; based on requests for support and PD; aligns with MTSS readiness Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Hypotheses:Actions: IIO score inflationTransition to TFI, external evaluator and review evidences Strengthen Systems and Practices for Tiers 2 and 3 New team member training and PBIS Coach Meeting focus EC staff and regular education staff will benefit from continued training regarding classroom management, CICO and FBA/BIPs Train PFs, offer district trainings for all staff, train in PBIS Coach meetings Support for administrators in understanding disciplinary considerations for SWD- Collect additional data and develop support materials and PD Evaluate Disproportionality by Disability Category and Race data will be baseline, begin comparison to this year Strengthen team-based problem- solving Train teams to utilize data within a problem-solving process Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Core Element 3: IEP Development, Implementation and Outcomes Progress toward grade-level standards Progress on IEP goals Progress monitoring Ensuring IEP implemented with fidelity Priority: significant factor for improving achievement; aligns with MTSS readiness Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Hypotheses:Actions: Effective implementation of co- teaching to increase access to SCOS Offer PD regarding co-teaching; support collaborative planning; EC department participation in scheduling; continue evaluating strengths/needs Increase skills related to progress monitoring data collection and summarization Begin awareness activities; explore current efforts; evaluate needs; identify tools; pilot effort with group support Support the development of a system that requires on-going data collection regarding goal progress Planning for procedural changes regarding progress monitoring and reports for decision making and IEP development/revision Ensure that staff compose effective, efficient goals Begin awareness activities to explore current goals; PD regarding goal formation; collaborate with C & I Develop/revise tools to ensure IEP implementation Identify district tools and process for ensuring IEP implementation Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Asheboro City Schools years of excellence! MTSS Readiness Data Compliance/ Policy/ Procedures LEA Self-Assessment
Asheboro City Schools years of excellence! Implementation & Outcome Data LEA Self- Assessment PGP goals EC Department Strategic Plan District Strategic Plan Problem Solving for Improvement MTSS Improved Student Outcomes
View this process as a way to align district and department efforts Strive for continuous improvement Missing data becomes the action step Prioritizing is necessary Flexible process that will change and evolve Communication and Collaboration- allow for effective and efficient action steps Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!
Cayce McCamish: Team members: Barb Skelly, Dr. Drew Maerz, Christina Kennerly, Harold Blair, Jenny White, Bree Smith, Pete Brown, Susan Huff, Laura Trogden, Stephanie Austin and Donna Gentry Asheboro City Schools years of excellence!