Antar Abdellah
Understanding the nature of research in education in general and in language teaching in particular Identifying the procedures for conducting a research paper / study. Analyzing sample studies in curriculum and language teaching methodology
Because this is your future You are going to seek an MA degree You have to develop a good thesis and defend it well This is your careerA means for teacher professional development an
Wallwork 2011 Selected chapters..
Students have a low level in reading. Reading is undisputedly the most important skill. Reading is perhaps the …. Reading is one of the …. Reading is considered to be one of the …
It is a “scholarly or scientific investigation or inquiry”. It is “to study something thoroughly”. It is a “way of finding answers to questions”.
While = until I am free from 9: 00 while 11:00. Train …. Don’t cross the line while the lights are flashing. during
A problem Hypotheses Gathering information Examining hypotheses Reporting & interpreting results
Quantitative Qualitative
Experimental (Quantitative) Quasi-experimental (Quantitative) Correlative (Quantitative) Comparative (Quantitative) Survey (Quantitative) Ethnographic (qualitative) Historical (qualitative) Evaluation (Quantitative) Descriptive (both) Action (both) Meta Analysis
Antar Abdellah Courses Methods of research
From where do research ideas come?They come from wide readings in relevant literatureThey come from suggestions made by earlier studies Thy come from observation of a phenomenon aided with check (pilot study).
Certain limitations and practical problems should be taken into consideration. Limitations to the setting and the population might constrain the research A good researchable topic is one which is: - closely related to the field - built on a wide readings / literature - closely related to the context of the researcher - having few limitations or obstacles
Questions need answers Hypotheses are expectations Yes /no questions Wh Questions Null hypotheses Positive
ResearchHypothesisQuantitative / qualitativeSubjects / participants/ populationSources / referencesData collection toolsAbstractAppendices