Development of Belize CHM Through BEA by Forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and the EnvironmentThrough BEA by Forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment CHM-WG very crucial in providing guidance CHM-WG very crucial in providing guidance User Needs Assessment conducted: User Needs Assessment conducted: 32 potential nodes interviewed to assess data management capacity and information needs
Guiding Principles Aligns with aims of CBDAligns with aims of CBD Meets needs of Belizean User communityMeets needs of Belizean User community Logical, Reliable, Scalable ArchitectureLogical, Reliable, Scalable Architecture Sustainable Approach to Use of IT: collaborative, efficient, cost effectiveSustainable Approach to Use of IT: collaborative, efficient, cost effective Public Domain info: user bewarePublic Domain info: user beware
7 ‘Participation’ in this instance infers that Belize is either a signatory to a Convention under which this initiative is part (e.g., CBD, GISIN, GTI) or is a participating country in a regional initiative (e.g., SIAM/SINIA, MBC, MBRS) Meerman & Clabaugh (2004)
RESULTS OF User Needs Assessment
Meerman & Clabaugh (2004)
Design and Implementation Starting with about 7 initial node agencies/data contributorsStarting with about 7 initial node agencies/data contributors To be designed and hosted by Conservation Management Institute out of Virginia Polytechnic UniversityTo be designed and hosted by Conservation Management Institute out of Virginia Polytechnic University Hope to launch in Aug/Sept 2005Hope to launch in Aug/Sept 2005
CONTENT Report library: pdfReport library: pdf Roster of ExpertsRoster of Experts Discussion FormDiscussion Form Internet map ServerInternet map Server Research permits database/reportsResearch permits database/reports
CHALLENGES Sustainability: continuing development funds for CHM e.g. to develop PA database, specimen database; reformat BBIS to more functional observational database; develop geospatial component; include other types of data— socioeconomic, environmental; etcSustainability: continuing development funds for CHM e.g. to develop PA database, specimen database; reformat BBIS to more functional observational database; develop geospatial component; include other types of data— socioeconomic, environmental; etc
Important to consider the existence/non- existence and type of information policy (culture) at the national level AND also that the availability of information or decision- making tools does not necessarily imply better biodiversity management or decision- making. Availability ≠ Use.Important to consider the existence/non- existence and type of information policy (culture) at the national level AND also that the availability of information or decision- making tools does not necessarily imply better biodiversity management or decision- making. Availability ≠ Use. How do you measure IABIN outcome/ impact indicator “IABIN-supported information management tools being downloaded and demonstrably used in decision-making?” Must be more that site hits.How do you measure IABIN outcome/ impact indicator “IABIN-supported information management tools being downloaded and demonstrably used in decision-making?” Must be more that site hits.
In the roles of focal points and support through IABIN project there is the need to consider what support can/will be provided to strengthen capacity of NFPs in promoting/ advocating for:In the roles of focal points and support through IABIN project there is the need to consider what support can/will be provided to strengthen capacity of NFPs in promoting/ advocating for: culture that values information as basis for sound managementculture that values information as basis for sound management promoting the USE and ANALYSIS of information at the national level.promoting the USE and ANALYSIS of information at the national level.
Mechanisms of information sharing have a cost. Need to consider the disparity in levels of development and capacity of different countries.Mechanisms of information sharing have a cost. Need to consider the disparity in levels of development and capacity of different countries.