Conference Theme: “Examining Social Studies Through Multiple Lenses” Using Historical Thinking Skills Viewing Social Studies from Multiple Perspectives
The Virginia Department of Historic Resources State historic preservation office Mission: to foster, encourage, and support the stewardship of Virginia's significant historic architectural, archaeological, and cultural resources The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the Commonwealth of Virginia Mission: “Promoting our national heritage through historic preservation, patriotic service and education.” They have a great interest in educating women as well as the history of and telling the story of Native Americans in Virginia. In their efforts to do all of these things, they’ve contributed to the publication of the handbook, have solely funded the production and dissemination of the poster to all 1200 elementary schools in Virginia. (They have also funded my grant project.)
VS 2 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the physical geography and native peoples, past and present, of Virginia by: f) describing how archaeologists have recovered new material evidence at sites including Werowocomoco and Jamestown. *DHR has an exhibit on Werowocomoco at the VHS Learning Center that school groups can visit. Other SOL’s used Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 World History (I &II) African American Studies Primary/ Secondary Sources XXXXXX Archaeologist/ Artifacts XXXX(?)
A process of trying to figure things out using: Multiple accounts and perspectives Analysis of primary sources Sourcing Understanding historical context You tube video
Inquiry is a process of active learning that is driven by questioning and critical thinking. The understandings that students develop through inquiry are deeper and longer lasting than any pre-packaged knowledge delivered by teachers to students. **By their very nature, Primary sources engage students in inquiry.** Source: Library of Congress
Why is archaeology important? How can new findings change the understanding of history?
1. How is related to ? 2. What is a new example of ? 3. What are some possible solutions for the problem of ? 4. Explain why … 5. What do you think would happen if -----? 6. Why is important?
A great site to help you TEACH Primary Sources! Smithsonian-National Museum of American History es.pdf Great places to FIND Primary Sources! National Archives cuments Life Magazine m/hosted/life Library of Congress ogram/bib/ourdocs/Prim DocsHome.html
Teach your students to think like a historian in history class by asking good inquiry questions and making use of primary sources! A great site with information on Virginia Indians
Primary and Secondary Sources ers/Classroom- Resources/~/media/28B922F0D31D4953A1B6E9F A8D.ashx ers/Classroom- Resources/~/media/28B922F0D31D4953A1B6E9F A8D.ashx Historical Thinking Skills ository/WorldHistoryHistoricalThinkingSkills.pdf ository/WorldHistoryHistoricalThinkingSkills.pdf